
    摘  要:近些年随着数字化信息的不断推进,伴随3G网络、4G网络、无线网络等革新通讯技术的发展,WIFI已经在潜移默化中改变了一代人的生活思维方式,人们在流量中享受生活。移动互联网占据了人们的出行、购物、交通、教育、金融等多个生产领域,特别是餐饮业,最近十分火爆的饿了吗、美团外卖、大众点评等APP应用,更是将人们带入到在家动动手指就可以等菜来的“等吃时代”。本点餐系统架构包括安卓移动APP端的用户注册模块、点菜管理模块、购物车模块、订单管理模块、在线评价模块、用户反馈模块、用户分享模块、检查更新模块以及Java Web端的菜品管理、用户管理、订单跟踪等业务模块。论文主要描述了基于安卓平台下点餐系统的基本功能及其设计实现方法,对核心的点餐业务进行了分析和建模,并对系统涉及的各类信息进行了梳理,建立了数据关系模型,论文最后对所做的研究与分析工作进行了总结,并对进一步的工作进行了展望。65077


    Abstract: In recent years with the continuous advance of digital information, along with the development of 3G and 4G networks and wireless network communication technology innovation, WIFI has imperceptibly changed the living way of thinking of a generation, people enjoy life in network data flow. Mobile Internet occupies the people’s travel, shopping, transportation, education, finance and other multiple production areas, especially the catering industry, recently very popular “ELeMa”, “MeiTuan Takeaway”, “Public Comment” app, more people are brought into in home fingertips can wait for food to the "eat era". The ordering system architecture includes Android mobile app end user registration module, order management module, shopping cart module, order management module, online evaluation module, user feedback module, user sharing module, check for updates module and Java Web side dishes management, user management and order tracking service module. The thesis describes the basic functions and design-based Android platform ordering systematic approach to the core business of the meal analysis and modeling, all kinds of information and systems involved combed established relationship data model. At last, the research and analysis are summarized and further works are prospected.

    Keywords: Wireless Ordering, Ordering System, Restaurant Management, Android Development

    目  录

    1 前言 4

    1.1 基于无线终端点餐平台的开发背景及意义 4

    1.2 基于无线终端点餐平台研究的目的 4

    1.3 无线终端点餐平台开发的目标 4

    2 设计原理和方法 4

    2.1 整体架构概述 4

    2.2 相关关键技术 5

    2.3 服务器端开发平台 6

    2.4 APP应用开发平台 6

    2.5 需求分析 6

    3 系统概要设计说明 8

    3.1 后台功能模块的设计 8

    3.2 前端应用功能界面的设计 8

    3.3 应用界面获取数据的设计与实现 9

    4 无线点餐平台的设计及实现 10

    4.1 安卓客户端设计思路及实现方案 10

    4.2 数据库结构的设计

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