    关键词  Netlink  Netfilter  网络捕获  网络分析  
    Title  Network Packet Capture and Analysis
    based on Netfilter
    Since the 1990s, the Internet in global rapid development, has had a huge social benefits and economic benefits. In recent years, the network not only improve people's work efficiency, and also to the life of people bring great convenience, such as online video on demand, office, the web application and so on all need to rely on electronic network to accomplish. The data on the network traffic grows day by day, and with the problem of network security is also gradually important. How to effectively improve the security and reliability of the network system has become a computer network application must consider and solve a problem. So the relevant packet captures and analytical techniques to ensure network of reliable, safe has important significance.
    This topic in the network packets of capture technology further technologies, design and implementation of a based on Netfilter packet capture and analysis system prototype, and realize the kernel mode and the user mode of communication. The main research contents include:
    (1)Mainly introduces network packet capture, sending and receiving and analysis on the basic principle, method and means.
    (2)Mainly introduces the Linux kernel Netfilter framework on the basis of the study, realize the Linux kernel mode packet capture and processing, and according to the agreement type realize flow classification.
    (3)Use Linux kernel mode and realization netlink user mode of the data communication, so as to achieve the packet analysis and present capture.
     Keywords Netlink Netfilter  Network-capture  Network-analysis
    目   次

    1 绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  本文的主要工作    3
    1.4  本文的组织    3
    2  数据包捕获与分析的相关技术    4
    2.1  数据包捕获介绍    4
    2.2  Netfilter框架    6
    2.3  Netlink介绍    11
    3  系统的设计与实现    12
    3.1  系统体系结构    12
    3.2  模块设计    15
    3.3  系统运行    23
    4  总结    27
    4.1  进一步研究展望    27
    4.2  研究工作总结    28
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