
    摘 要:电子商务市场的日趋完善和成熟、网络购买人群的扩大、购物体系的完善,无一不向我们昭示着电子商务未来的发展及前景。在此大背景之下,网上书店进入人们的眼球。


    关 键 词:网上书店系统 ,MySQL ,JSP+Servlet , Ajax

    Abstract: The e-commerce is becoming more perfect and mature market, the purchase of the crowd, to expand the network shopping system, not to reveal to us the development and Prospect of the future of e-commerce. Under this background, the online bookstore into people's eyes.

      This topic in the online bookstore as an example, show the advantage of the electronic commerce. The online bookstore using JAVA JSP+Servlet, database Mysql developed. The system is pided into three parts: login module, function module front and back function module and auxiliary function module, users can meet the purchase of books in front of theaccess to books, orders, and other functions, library management, administrator user, order management, back office functions, and the analysis of the system data, marketing strategyand other functions. This paper will detail the design concept and detailed design process of the platform system.

    Keywords: Online bookstore,MySQL ,JSP+Servlet , Ajax

    目   录

    1  绪论 4

    1.1  课题可行性分析 4

    1.2  开发网上书店系统的意义 4

    2  系统解决方案 4

    2.1  系统相关技术及理念介绍 5

    2.2  系统开发环境简介 7

    3  网上书店设计说明 7

    3.1  系统主要功能模块介绍 7

    3.2  登录功能介绍 7

    3.3  前台功能介绍 8

    3.4  后台功能介绍 8

    3.5  辅助功能介绍 9

    3.6  完整的购书流程 9

    4  数据库设计 10

    4.1  数据库需求分析 10

    4.2  数据库概念结构设计 11

    4.3  数据库逻辑结构设计 11

    4.4  连接数据库 14

    5  功能模块功能设计与代码实现 14

    5.1  登录功能模块 15

    5.2  前台功能模块 17

    5.3  后台功能模块 22

    5.4  辅助功能模块 29

    结  论 34

    参 考 文 献 35

    致  谢 36

    1  绪论

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