




    毕业论文关键词  NESMA  估算流程简化  估算工具


    Title  Research and Implementation of NESMA Function Point

    Estimation Method and its Supporting Tools                     


    As software systems' size becomes larger and more complex, estimation plays a vital role in the success of software project. The function point methods with the advantage of being independent of the specific development technology have gradually been the industry's attention and respected. However, the concepts of function point method are abstract, the identification rules are too many and the counting procedure is very complex, which makes it difficult to popularize. Therefore, how to make users quickly grasp the estimation method and process becomes a research hotspot.

    In the dissertation, the NESMA function point software size estimation methods are researched, the main content includes the following aspects:

     (1) Simplified process of NESMA function point estimation method. As the concept in NESMA is difficult to understand, data models are introduced to simplify the identification procedure of NESMA components. And a questionnaire is designed to help users to understand and use.

    (2) Design and Implementation of NESMA estimation tool. Tool achieves NESMA function point estimation method, and is posted as a website for users’ online estimation. It guides users to estimate size, schedule and cost and lets users understand the NESMA method meanwhile.

    Keywords  NESMA Simplified Estimation Process  Estimation Tool

    目    录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  问题的提出 2

    1.4  论文主要研究内容 2

    2  NESMA功能点规模估算理论 3

    2.1  方法概述 3

    2.2  估算思想 3

    2.3  估算步骤 3

    2.3.1  预估型功能点计数过程 4

    2.3.2  估计型功能点计数过程 4

    2.3.3  详细型功能点计数过程 5

    3  NESMA功能点方法简化组件识别过程 5

    3.1  数据功能的识别过程

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