摘要: 在Internet飞速发展的今天,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在人们政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。因此网站建设在Internet应用上的地位显而易见,倍受人们的重视。为了树立个人在网络上的形象,通过设计一个个人网站,以达到个人推荐、展现自我的一个平台,个人网站为交流提供综合的网络环境,同时也为个人的宣传,发展,提供了一个平台。个人网站的设计和内容由于个人的喜好和看法而大不相同,本课题将设计一个具有特色的个人网站,希望能为忙碌的生活停下来有个休息的地方,享受一下轻松的环境,说说自己想说的事,做做自己想做的事。人们可以通过其他人的网站了解他,近而成为朋友,这是一个社交的新方式,也是未来的一个趋势。8936
关键词: 个人网站;网站规划;网站设计;网站主题;社交方式
Personal web site design and Implementation
Abstract: In the rapid development of Internet, the Internet become rapid access, publish and an important channel for transmission of information, it plays an important role in people's political, economic, and other aspects of life. Therefore, the construction site on the Internet application Obviously, much of the attention. In order to establish the image of the inpidual on the network, through the design of a personal website, in order to achieve personal recommendation, to show themselves a platform for personal website for the exchange of integrated network environment, but also provides a platform for personal promotion, development,.The design and content of the Website is very different, because of personal preferences and views on the subject will design a unique personal website, hoping for a busy life to stop and have a place to rest, enjoy a relaxed environment to talk about he wanted to do, doing what he wanted. People can know him through the other person's website, nearly became friends, which is a new social model, which is the future of a trend.
Keywords: personal website;site planning; website design;website theme;Social way
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1 绪论 4
1.1 课题的来源 4
1.2 个人网站的现状与分析 5
1.2.1 什么是个人网站? 5
1.2.2 个人网站的现状 5
1.3 选题的目的和意义 7
1.4 课题研究的主要内容 8
2 网站设计基础和开发工具选择 9
2.1 开发工具的介绍和选择 9
2.2 网页基本构成元素 11
2.2.1 文本 11
2.2.2 图像 11
2.2.3 超级链接 11
2.2.4 导航栏 11
2.2.5 动画 11
2.2.6 表格 11
2.2.7 框架 12
2.3 DREAMWEAVER的操作环境介绍 12
2.3.1 工作布局 12
2.3.2 窗口和面版的概述 13
2.3.3 面版的介绍 13
3 个人网站设计分析 15
3.1 个人网站的布局技术 15
4 个人网站的具体制作过程 18
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