    摘要:    随着人类社会的发展,人类对知识的需求也不断地增长。在这种形势下,书籍就渐渐地成为人们获取并增长知识的主要途径,而图书馆就自然而然地在人们的生活中占据了一定的位置,如何科学地管理图书馆不但关系到读者求知的方便程度,也关系到图书馆的发展,因此,开发一套完善的图书馆管理系统就成不可少了。
    本系统后台数据库使用access,前台开发工具使用Visual Basic6.0。采用目前比较流行的ADO数据访问技术,成功地将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到数据库应用程序设计中。实现了,图书管理、读者管理、借阅管理、系统管理,四大功能。
    关键词:    图书管理;Visual Basic 6.0;Access,ADO数据访问技术。
    Library management system design and lmplementation
    Abstract:     With the development of human society, human demand for knowledge continues to grow. In this situation, the books to obtain and gradually become the main way to increase your knowledge, and the library will naturally take in people's lives in a certain location, how the management of libraries not only scientific knowledge related to the convenience of the reader level, but also to the development of the library, therefore, developed a comprehensive library management system will become essential for the.
    The book management system is a typical information management system (MIS), its development mainly includes the application procedure of establishment and maintenance and head of backstage database to develop two aspects. Start to build up the data consistency and the integrity to the former request strong, the data safety good database .But then request applying procedure function is complete to the latter, easy usage etc. characteristics.
       The system uses access as background and development tools in foreground use Visual Basic. Adopt the popular ado data access techniques and success in designing object-oriented programming ideas to applied in the database application design.It achieve four features: library managements,reader management,lending management and system management.
    Keywords:    Library Management ;Visual Basic 6.0; Access , ADO data access technology
    摘要    ii
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iv
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    开发背景与研究的目的与意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.3    发展趋势    3
    2    系统分析与概要设计    4
    2.1    调研情况    4
    2.2    图书管理系统功能设计    4
    2.3    可行性分析    4
    2.4    系统开发环境    5
    3    数据库设计    11
    3.1    数据库简介    11
    3.2    ACCESS的功能    11
    3.3    ACCESS数据库的七个对象    11
    3.4    数据库设计    12
    3.4.1    数据库设计原则    12
    3.4.2    数据库表结构设计    12
    4    图书管理系统设计    15
    4.1    系统设计的原则    15
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