    摘要:    《基于web的课件制作》这一课题是为了配合数据库原理与应用课程建设,制作教学课件网络版,能够在教学网站中展示,也能供相关学生学习、下载和使用。网络教学是利用计算机网络技术、多媒体技术等现代信息技术手段开展起来的一种新型教学形式。它使得广大受教育者可突破传统教育在教育资源(师资、教材、实验和演示设备等)和教育方法(统一进度、集中式和单向传授等)方面的限制,实现优秀教育资源和教育方法不受时间和空间等约束的共享。结合切身经历,选取了若干种平时自学过程中更容易被接受的多媒体授课方式,避免过于花哨,以至于脱离授课本身的意义。论文研究分析了基于Web的网络教学系统的几种教学模式,着重讨论了几种基于Web的开发技术。8932
    关键词:    数据库原理;多媒体;共享;授课方式;web开发技术
    Course producing base on Web
    Abstract:     The issue, <<Course producing base on Web>> is aimed at creating learning courses (online edition)which is coorperated with database principle and application courses construction as well as providing students with learning material by the network, they can download or use it online. The online education is a new teaching form which is using Computer network technique, multimedia technology and other modern information technology. By the new teaching form, vast educators can push through the limitation of teaching resource (teacher, material and device) and method (unified schedule, centralization and one-way transmission). Moreover, it can achieve educational resource and method sharing with the restriction of time and space. Avoid being so garishly that departing from the concept, I select some multimedia instruction forms which is easy to be accepted by my experience. This research analyzes the several kinds of teaching mode of network teaching system based on Web, emphatically discussed several development technology based on Web.
    Keywords:    Database principle; Multimedia; Achieve educational; Development technology based on Web
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的研究背景和意义    1
    1.2    《数据库原理》 这门课程的课题背景及发展趋势    1
    1.3    基于WEB的多媒体课件的特点    2
    1.3.1    网络化    2
    1.3.2    多媒体    2
    1.3.3    非实时性    2
    1.4    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.5    本课题的内容和难点    3
    1.5.1    课题的基本内容    4
    1.5.2    网络课件结构的产生与简析    4
    1.5.3    本课题的难点    5
    1.6    系统开发所用技术和工具简介    5
    1.6.1    系统开发环境    5
    1.6.2    开发所用技术简介    5
    1.6.3    开发所使用的框架简介    6
    1.6.4    开发所用工具简介    8
    1.7    系统开发进度安排    8
    2    课件结构分析    9
    2.1    可行性分析    9
    2.1.1    操作可行性分析    9
    2.1.2    技术可行性    9
    2.2    课件结构分析    10
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