    本系统的开发设计实现采用ASP.NET技术,系统后台使用Microsoft的SQL 2000数据库,并通过使用ODBC技术访问。
    关键词:博客  ASP.NET  SQL2000   ODBC
    Title      A Blog System Design Based On ASP.NET   
    With the extensive application of the Internet, dynamic web technology has emerged. This text describes the application of ASP.NET dynamic web technology and development the blog system.
    Blog system is mainly to provide users with published articles, browse articles, and other functions,Users can express themselves by some articles and with other netizens to conduct exchanges. Blog system of the main article on the digital management, information, intelligence, is to break the way of Released an article by traditional newspapers and magazine published ,it make a new way to try.
    The system is designed by ASP.NET technology, backstage adoption SQL 2000 database,and use the ODBC technology to visit.
    In this text,it analysis the blog system by feasibility and the demand of the user. Under the modular theory, planning and design of the system functional modules; In the database design, a detailed description of the database structure and database integrity, security measures; Programming is used object-oriented programming design, system design ideas, background for the future and function of the program in detail; System testing, Analysis of the specific course of testing the key issues and proposed solutions to achieve system function. Finally, the system in an objective, comprehensive evaluation, as well as further improvements made.
    Keywords  blog  ASP.NET  SQL 2000  ODBC

    目   次  
    1 引言    1
    1.1 项目背景    1
    1.2 系统开发的意义    2
    1.3 系统开发的目标    3
    1.4系统概述    3
    1.5 系统的开发方法    4
    2 开发工具介绍    6
    2.1 系统的主要技术分析    6
    2.2 SQL Server 2000简介    9
    2.3 Dreamweaver 网页设计软件介绍    10
    2.4 数据分析    10
    3 总体设计    10
    3.1可行性分析    10
    3.2需求分析    11
    3.3系统结构框图    12
    3.4数据流图    12
    3.5 数据库技术概述    13
    3.6 数据库选择    14
    3.7 数据库的概念结构设计    15
    3.8数据库逻辑结构设计    18
    3.9 数据库的完整性和安全性    21
    4 系统设计    22
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