

    在本系统的设计中,运用Java设计语言,系统的数据库采用了 SQLSERVER。开始先认真研究了系统需求分析、和系统设计方式以及调研分析。系统主要包括几大功能模块,这几大功能模块将库存关了涉及的各方面内容都考虑进去。这几大模块完成了客户信息管理、商品进出库问题、商品查询问题、与客户的邮件交流及反馈信息等问题的解决。通过这几大模块,达到为公司库存管理提供更便捷服务的目的。70192


      Analysis and Design of YangLi Inventory Management System

    Abstract:With the economic development, the company's development planning needs, the increasing number of customers, the continuous improvement of the types of goods, Central Asset Co., Ltd. needs inventory management platform to maintain the relationship between the company and customers, to provide customers with convenient information services at the same time guarantee Convenience and Safety of Goods in and out of. The purpose of the inventory management system is to provide users with sufficient information and quick query means, effective management of inventory goods, is based on database customer service a class of computer application system.

    In the design of the system, the use of Java design language, the system database using SQLSERVER. Began to carefully study the system needs analysis, and system design and research analysis. The system mainly includes several major function modules, these several major function modules will be involved in all aspects of the inventory are taken into account. This large number of modules to complete the customer information management, commodity access problems, commodity inquiries, and customer mail and feedback information and other issues to solve. Through these major modules, to achieve the company's inventory management to provide more convenient service purposes.

    Keywords:Management system; Inventory management; Information management; The Java language


    目 录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)课题背景 1

    (二)研究现状 1

    (三)本章小结 1

    二、 可行性分析 2

    (一)技术可行性 2

    (二)业务流程分析 3

    (三)本章小结 3

    三、需求分析 4

    (一)需求分析 4

    1、系统功能分析 4

    2、系统性能分析 4

    (二)数据流图 4

    (三)本章小结 6

    四、系统设计 7

    (一)系统模块总体设计 7

    (二)功能模块介绍 7

    (三)数据库E-R图设计 8

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