    摘要:    图像几何变换是数字图像处理的基础,通过对图像的平移和镜像,可以改换图像的空间位置,并对图像水平映射和垂直映射,实现在画面中的位置和左右颠倒和上下颠倒情况。论文探讨了图像的平移和镜像的原理,并对图像平移和镜像运用了空间变换算法;还讨论了BMP图像的基本构成,并在C#语言环境中设计了相应操作处理的函数类,便于对BMP图像的运算。在图像运算中,设置图像的原点坐标,以此原点为基准,将图像按照水平方向和垂直方向进行向右和向下位置的移动,运用了空间变换算法,实现图像平移和镜像变换,完成了图像的上下、左右移动和水平、垂直映射。运用面向对象的C#语言的程序对图像的处理简单方便,不同的图像位置显示取得了良好的效果。9484
    关键词:    BMP,几何变换,映射,空间位置,面向对象。
    Image translation and image processing programming
    Abstract:     The image of geometric transformation is the basis of digital image processing. Through the translation and mirroring of the images, the spatial position of the images can be changed and the picture location can be inverted and upside down by the image of level or vertical mapping. In this paper, the principle of translation and mirror is discussed which using the space transform algorithm. The basic structure of BMP image is also studied and builded its class in the environment of C# language which is advantageous for the operation of BMP images. In image operation, We set up the image coordinates origin, which is reference, and move image right or down by the space transform algorithm. So the translation and mirroring of image and the right and left, up and down, horizontal and vertical is come true. The image processing program is simple and convenience by using the object oriented language of C#, and the good effect is obtained to different condition image.
    Keywords:    Bitmap;Geometric transformation;Mapping;Spatial position;Object-Oriented
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    数字图像处理概述    1
    1.1    数字图像处理    1
    1.1.1    数字图像    1
    1.1.2    图像处理技术    2
    1.2    C#处理数字图像    3
    1.2.1    C#语言特点    3
    1.2.2    WinForm编程    4
    1.2.3    GDI+    5
    1.2.4    C#数字图像处理的3种方法    5
    1.3    BMP图像结构    6
    2    图像的平移和镜像处理算法    8
    2.1    空间变换算法    8
    2.2    图像平移处理算法    9
    2.3    图像镜像处理算法    10
    3    图像的平移和镜像处理程序设计    12
    3.1    Bitmap类组成    12
    3.1.1    Bitmap基础类    12
    3.1.2    BitmapData类    14
    3.1.3    Graphics类    15
    3.1.4    Convert(转换)类    16
    3.1.5    类的属性    17
    3.2    图像的平移和镜像处理相关的类    19
    3.2.1    主窗体的类    19
    3.2.2    平移窗体的类translation    21
    3.2.3    图像镜像的类mirror    21
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