系统采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为数据库平台,选用jsp+servlet+javabean技术,采用结构化开发方法,设计完成了基于B/S模型的大学校园二手物品交易平台。测试结果表明该系统可实施。最后,对系统设计与实现中的若干问题进行了研究和分析,并提出了解决方案,对下一步工作做了一个展望。
关键词 校园二手物品交易平台,结构化开发方法,B/S模式,DBMS
Title Campus secondary trading platform design and Implementation
Second-hand Exchange in university provide a platform of supply and demand for the students. They can sell their no longer use things, and also can find something they need on this platform, which are have good quality but cheap in order to benefit both sides. But the traditional exchange model has been difficult to meet the needs of the modern second-hand exchange. So it is necessary to establish second-hand exchange platform in campus to ensure its normal processing , improve the reuse of the goods , alleviate the burden of the environment.
This paper mainly study on the design and the development of the second-hand exchange platform. First, is an introduction of the current situation of this platform, which carefully analyzed its shortcomings and deficiencies in current situation and works out a system model that fit for the second-hand exchange.
System uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as a database platform, chooses jsp + servlet + javabean technology, uses the structured development methods, completed the campus second-hand platform on the basis of B / S model . The test results show that the system can be implemented. Finally, is an analysis of some problems in design and reality , and come up with some solutions, which makes a prospect for the next step.
Keywords second-hand goods trading platform on campus, structured development approach, B / S model, DBMS
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 问题提出的背景 1
1.2 大学校园二手物品交易的重要性 2
1.3 校园二手商品交易网站的基本特征 3
2 问题所采用的技术 4
3 系统模块设计与功能介绍 8
3.1 功能结构调查 8
3.2 业务模块设计 9
3.3 功能模块设计 18
3.4 代码设计 18
3.5 输入输出设计 19
3.6 数据库设计 24
4 系统实施 27
4.1 系统实现 27
4.2 系统测试 33
4.3. 系统结论 34
结论 35
致 谢 37
参考文献 38
1 引言
1.1 问题提出的背景
- 上一篇:ASP.net高铁客票网上定票售票系统的实现
- 下一篇:iPad上工程文件浏览工具的开发