    工具软件利用VS2010开发工具和SQL Server 2008数据库来开发这个高铁网上售票系统。该系统要解决的是高铁网上售票工作所要解决的问题,可以满足高铁网上售票的基本要求,包括查询、订票、退票等游客的三个方面的功能以及管理员对车次的增加、修改、删除功能。该系统能运用到高铁网上售票的工作中,根据用户的需求快捷方便的为用户提供服务。
    关键词:信息管理,高铁售票,VS2010,SQL Server2008
    Title    High iron online ticketing system                                              
    After a long time observation of booking a high iron ticket and  feasibility research of a online high iron ticket booking system, I have build  a online ticket booking system in the following software cycle: requirement analysis, architecture and detail design, coding and testing. In the design phase, I present the system with data follow chart, data dictionary, E-R graphic, database logical structure, and typical UML modeling facility such as Class diagram, Activity diagram, Use case diagram and Sequence diagram.
    This product is developed in VS2010, and the DBMS is SQL Server 2008 express edition. It’s build to help you to book a high iron ticket online. On this website, you can inquire ticket information, book a ticket and refund your ticket. For the supervisor, it provides additional right (protected by admin privilege) to maintain the system including high iron data creating, importing and cleaning up.
    Keywords:Information management ;Ticket selling system;VS2010;SQL Server2008
    1 概述    1
    1.1概述    1
    1.2意义    1
    2 系统的可行性研究与需求分析    1
    2.1可行性研究    1
    2.1.1经济可行性    1
    2.1.2 技术可行性    1
    2.1.3 操作可行性    4
    2.2 需求分析    4
    2.2.1功能需求    5
    2.2.2 数据需求    5
    2.2.3 性能需求    5
    2.2.3 数据库逻辑结构    6
    3 系统的总体设计    8
    3.1系统软件结构设计    8
    3.2系统流程图    9
    4 系统的详细设计    11
    4.1 过程设计    11
    4.1.1 程序流程图    11
    5系统的实现与调试    16
    5.1应用系统的开发及测试    16
    5.1.1系统首页    16
    5.1.2用户登陆界面    16
    5.1.3用户中心/查询车次界面    18
    5.1.4订票界面    18
    5.1.5票务管理界面    22
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