    关键字  炮射弹丸 弹道预测 末制导 数值仿真
    Title  Research on terminal guidance method of long-distance guided artillery projectiles  based on the trajectory prediction method and the correction rate of flight path angle
    With the development of technology, guided missile play is playing an increasingly important and key role in modern warfare, with its high precision and high mobility is a huge cost projectile. The characteristics of the artillery projectile, with its cheap, get people's attention. In this paper, We suggest a precise terminal guidance method for ordinary artillery projectile based on the trajectory prediction method. On the one hand, we briefly introduced the system of terminal guidance method of artillery projectile, derived the trajectory prediction model in detail, and tested the accuracy of the system. On the other hand we conducted a derivation, analysis and numerical simulation for the terminal guidance method, which is based on the correction rate of flight path angle. The results show that the terminal guidance of projectile trajectory, based on projectile prediction method and flight path angle correction, is feasible and effective.
    Keywords  the artillery projectile  ballistic prediction  terminal guidance numerical simulation
    目   录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 弹道预测的背景及意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 本文的主要研究内容    4
    2 末段导引炮弹系统简介    5
    2.1 系统组成及各部分的简介    5
    2.2 弹丸飞行过程的介绍    5
    2.3 末段导引弹丸工作原理    6
    3 弹道预测系统    8
    3.1 不同坐标系及坐标系的转换    8
    3.2 弹丸质点运动方程组    10
    3.3 弹道预测模型    12
    3.4 弹道预测原理和流程    13
    3.5 弹道预测仿真及误差分析    17
    4 末段导引导引方法    31
    4.1 末段导引方法的原理及推导    31
    4.2 敏感因子研究    32
    4.3 末段导引方法的应用流程    34
    5 不同末段导引高度实例仿真及分析    36
    5.1 降弧段2000m开始制导的仿真    36
    5.2 降弧段3000m开始制导的仿真    40
    5.3 弹丸在不同高度开始制导的仿真    43
    结   论    46
    致   谢    47
    参 考 文 献    48
    1 绪论
    1.1 弹道预测的背景及意义
  1. 上一篇:自旋炮射导弹稳定性和操纵性分析及仿真
  2. 下一篇:MEMS加速度计性能批量测试系统设计(数据采集部分)
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