     Design of Transversal Shunting Device for Airport Luggage Transportation Line
    Abstract:Airport luggage transverse distribution device, mainly used for transverse shunting of passengers’ luggage and small goods in the transmission process, realize the automation of shunting and checking-in bags. The device is mainly composed of a main belt and the shunting device, this paper is to design a device for bag which can solve the problem of shunting airport logistics, realize the automation of preliminary sorting luggage,and improve the efficiency of airport logistics.
       The overall design scheme is as follows:the main driving belt will be mainly designed by the general material conveyor belt, which is mainly carried out by calculating the force and motion, and choosing proper power device, the suitable transmission roller, tail bracket, the middle bracket and turnabout drum. Shunting part applies the baffle type sorting device, the baffle is improved for small belt transmission structure equipped with roller and carrier roller, device power source of the device is mainly ordinary motor and DMQ series radial piston motor, using cone - cylinder gear reducer, which has such characteristics as high bearing capacity, low noise, small size, light weight, high efficiency, the use of long service life characteristics. This device can improve the work efficiency, reduce labor intensity, reduce or even eliminate the error with high efficiency, stability, security.
    Keywords:conveyor belt; retarder; shunting device; baffle type
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选择背景和意义    1
    1.2 文献综述    3
    1.2.1国内外分拣系统研究现状    5
    1.2.2国外皮带输送机技术的现状    5
    1.2.3国内外皮带输送机技术的差距    2
    1.2.4 皮带输送机     5
    1.2.5 转弯输送机     5
    1.3 研究方法及方案    3
    1.3.1 主传动带部分     5
    1.3.2 分流装置部分     5
    2主传送带的设计    7
    2.1已知条件    7
    2.2箱包输送能力计算    8
    2.3最大张力计算    9
    2.4 标准中间架,中间支架和尾架的选用    10
    2.5传动滚筒的设计计算    12
    2.6动力的装置选择    12
    2.7输送带层数计算    12
    3分流装置减速器的设计    13
    3.1关于圆锥—圆柱齿轮减速器    13
    3.2电动机的选择    13
    3.3确定传动装置的总传动比    13
    3.4圆锥齿轮设计与校核    14
    3.5圆柱齿轮设计与校核    14
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