    关键词  电动汽车  变速器  设计  检验
    Title    Transmission system design of electric vehicle                     
    Automobile transmission plays an important role in the transmission of electric vehicles, it works by changing the speed and torque which is transmitted from the motor to the driving wheels, so that the car could
    get different rates and traction when the car is starting, climbing, turning and accelerating under different driving conditions, besides, it still ensure the engine to work at relatively suitable working conditions.
    Of course the traditional mechanical transmission has many drawbacks such as large shift shock, huge body and manipulation inconvenience, it is still
    Widely used in modern cars for its advantages of high transmission efficiency, mature production technique and more importantly low-cost.
    This thesis firmly confirms the design plan of manual gearbox of micro car
    , basing on the comprehension and study on gearbox development process as well as relevant theories. Secondly based on the essential parameter of furnished engine and the required transmission ratio of the vehicle’s power performance, finally complete the test of the main parts of the transmission.
    Keywords    electric vehicle   transmission     design    test
    1  引言    1
    1.1  汽车变速器概述    1
    1.2  电动汽车变速系统简介    1
    1.3  电动汽车变速系统的发展及关键技术    2
    1.4  设计的内容及方法    2
    2变速系统总方案设计    4
    2.1传动简图    4
    2.2拟定传动方案:    4
    2.3电机的选择:    4
    2.4主减速比的选择    6
    2.5主减速器运动和动力参数计算    6
    2.6本章小结:    7
    3.设计计算传动零件    8
    3.1高速齿轮组的强度校核    8
    3.2低速级齿轮组的设计和强度校核    13
    3.3校验传动比    17
    3.4本章小结    17
    4 设计计算轴    18
    4.1低速轴的设计与计算    18
    4.1.2轴的强度校核    19
    4.2低速轴的设计与计算    21
    4.3高速轴的设计与计算    24
    4.4本章小结    26
    5 CATIA三文建模    27
    5.1 CATIA三文建模过程    27
    结论    29
    致谢    30
  1. 上一篇:基于UG的观光车车身概念设计
  2. 下一篇:旋转爆震发动机燃烧室掺混过程数值模拟
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