    摘要:随着城市化进程的加快,城市人口的急速膨胀和现代化生活节奏加快,人们出行次数增多以及汽车的普及,相应的城市交通量大大增加,由于道路资源的低效率分配利用以及市区道路的结构性缺陷等原因,城市中道路的相对不足和机动车辆的飞速增加带来了交通阻塞、车速下降、事故频繁等一系列问题,使得城市交通问题日益突出.解决城市的交通速度问题,不能仅仅把希望寄托在无休止的增加道路上,所以各大城市大力发展轨道交通正是解决长期交通堵塞的较好方案。 本论文以中国城市轨道交通 B型车车体为研究对象, 探讨我国各城市发展轨道交通的必要性和现状,及与东京地铁所能借鉴的经验。文章重点从不同城市轨道交通 A、B 型车选择,车体选用材料中耐候钢、不锈钢、铝合金的性能对比,车体各部件作用分析,车体各部件具体参数确定和车辆界限、曲线通过能力、强度、知道距离、牵引力阻力制动力校核几个方面进行研究。 确定B型地铁的组成部分,具体参数,整体布局,校核性能。
    毕业论文关键词:轨道交通 B型车辆;铝合金车体;车体设计 20708
    B-type city rail transport vehicle body structure design
    With the city to accelerate the process of city population, the rapid expansion and
    modernization to speed up the pace of life, people travel more popularity and car, city
    traffic corresponding increase greatly, due to structural shortage of road inefficient
    allocation of resources utilization and urban road depression, rapid increase in the
    relative deficiency of city road and motor vehicles brought traffic congestion, frequent
    accidents, the car down a series of problems, the city traffic problems have become
    increasingly prominent. To solve the problem of city traffic speed, not just put their
    hopes in the increase of road endless, so vigorously develop rail transportation each
    big city is a good solution to solve the long traffic jam.
    In this paper, Chinese urban rail transit B car body for the study, discusses the
    necessity and the status quo of China's cities development of rail transportation, and
    the Tokyo subway can learn from the experience. Articles focus on urban rail transit
    from different A, B Model selection, selection of materials, performance comparison
    bodywork weathering steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and analyze the role of the
    body components, body components and vehicle specific parameters to determine the
    boundaries of the curve by , strength, knowing that distance, the braking force of
    traction resistance check studied aspects. Determine the components of B-type
    subway, specific parameters, the overall layout, checking performance.
    KeyWords:B-type rail vehicle;Aluminum alloy body;car body design 目   录
    1   绪论   - 1 -
    1.1   课题的目的和意义...  - 1 -
    1.2   国内外研究现状与水平...  - 2 -
    1.3   我国轨道交通车辆发展...  - 4 -
    2   车辆选型设计   - 7 -
    2.1  A、B型车建设及运营成本比较    - 7 -
    2.1.1  A、B型车建设成本比较  ..  - 7 -
    2.2.2  A、B型车运营成本比较  ..  - 7 -
    2.2  A、B型车选择    - 9 -
    2.2.1   地铁车辆运能方面选型的思考.  - 9 -
    2.2.2   地铁车辆节能方面选型的思考.  - 9 -
    2.2.3   地铁建设绿色环保方面的思考...  - 10 -
    3   车体材料选择 .. - 11 -
    3.1   车体材料分类. - 11 -
    3.1.1   耐候钢... - 11 -
    3.1.2   不锈钢...  - 12 -
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