    毕业论文关键词: 上阀体;专用夹具;专用机床;多轴箱
    2-φ18 hole on the valve plane and fixture design
    Abstract: The design of the valve body mass, according to the characteristics of its batch processing, according to the six positioning principle, the main design can be clamped to the body of special fixtures, easy and accurate positioning to facilitate the processing of both φ18 of the bolt holes. Often found in the actual production is not only universal fixture meet production requirements, using a common workpiece clamping fixture low labor intensity of production efficiency, coupled with poor quality, and often need to increase the scribing step and so on. To locate this design through study now some special tools and special fixtures, jigs or general machine and universal design a simple structure, the valve body capable of clamping fixture, and ease of processing when the bolt holes two φ18 accurate and convenient .
    Through the clamping force, cutting force calculations, designed to meet the special machining requirements. Primarily designed to facilitate the processing of the bolt hole φ18 two symmetric multi-axle box.
    Keywords:the upper valve body;special fixtures; dedicated machine; multi-axle box
     目 录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    目录    3
    1 绪论    1
     1.1 课题背景    1
     1.2 课题研究的意义    1
    2.文献综述    2
     2.1 专用夹具的发展情况    2
      2.1.1 专用夹具特点    2
      2.1.2 夹具市场前景    3
     2.2 专用机床的发展情况    3
      2.2.1 专用机床的概念    3
      2.2.2 专业机床特点    4
      2.2.3 专业机床的应用    4
    3 上阀体2-φ18孔钻削专用夹具设计    5
     3.1 上阀体2-φ18孔钻削专用夹具设计要求与方案    6
     3.2 定位基准的选择    6
     3.3 夹具定位误差分析    7
     3.4 夹紧力及夹紧装置的确定    8
      3.4.1 钻削力与夹紧力的计算    8
      3.4.2 夹紧元件及动力装置确定    10
     3.5 钻套的选择    10
     3.6 夹具体设计    10
     3.7 快速螺旋夹紧机构    11
    4 组合机床的总体设计    12
     4.1 确定组合机床的配置形式和结构方案    12
     4.2 主轴箱的设计    13
      4.2.1 立式钻床的选择    13
      4.2.2 主轴箱的传动设计    15
      4.2.3 主动轴的设计    23
      4.2.4输出轴的设计    33
    5 结束语    44
    致谢    45
    参考文献    46
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