    关键字  Fortran语言 流体仿真  结构选择  湍流模型   入口条件 出口反压
    Title  Numerical Investigation of the Flow Field of Choked Gas                    
    Valve Core Channel                                                
    This paper introduces a simulation research of the flow field in a steerable gas generator.2D symmetrical structured grids and finite volume scheme are used. Steger-warming scheme is used to discretize the convective fluxes. Four classical examples are computed to test the program. The results of inviscid model and turbulence model show that the turbulent eddy viscosity ratio and the turbulent kinetic energy are relatively small, which implies that the turbulence does not have an evident effect on the flow field. The inviscid model is then used to explore the best structure among three models A, B, and C. Model B is proved to have the highest recover coefficient in total pressure. In addition, the inviscid model is used to simulate the flow field in model B to test the influences of total pressure at the entry and the exit. Mach number is not affected by the total pressure at entry, while the distributions of density, local pressure, and total pressure are linear to the total pressure at entry. There is nearly no difference in the flow field with different total pressure at the exit. According to the research on the results above, this paper points out the proper computational model and optimized structure, and the principle to control the flow field by changing the situation at the entry.
    Keywords  Fortran  flow field simulation  construction choosing 
    conditions at entry  total pressure at exit
     目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的背景及意义    1
    1.2  燃气发生器的发展现状    2
    1.3  本文的主要工作    3
    物理模型和数学方法    4
    2.1  物理模型    4
    2.2  控制方程    7
    2.3  湍流模型    8
    2.4  离散方法    11
    2.5  边界条件    15
    2.6  计算流程    16
    3  数值验证    19
    3.1 激波管问题    19
    3.2 斜激波反射问题    21
    3.3 前台阶问题    22
    3.4 后台阶问题    24
    4  无粘流与粘性流的对比    28
    4.1  网格的划分    28
    4.2  无粘流与有粘流流动效果的对比    28
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