    关键词:  内弹道 大口径火炮 过载特性 数值模拟
    Title    The Emission Process Overload Characteristics of  A Large Caliber Guided Projectile                                                 
    In order to study the process of big caliber artillery firing overload characteristics, based on 155mm caliber artillery, we have established the classical trajectory model and its one-dimensional aerodynamic model during the launch . Taking into account the difference between the two models, the classical interior ballistic model using the Runge-Kutta method to solve, the one-dimensional aerodynamic model using MacCormack difference scheme for solving. Change charging and emission conditions,the numerical results of the curve is drawn,we can get the space pressure distribution curve and the acceleration distribution curve. Through the analysis of the curve,we was obtained under the condition of different firing gunpowder gas parameters change rule and the internal ballistic process of overload characteristics. The results show that the overload artillery has a mutation at the initial time, then gradually increased to a peak with the stroke, and then gradually decreases.Drug under different
    Loading conditions,the projectile overload trends in the bore is the same.
    Keywords : internal ballistic  large-caliber artillery  overload characteristics   numerical simulation
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  内弹道简介    1
    1.2  研究背景    1
    1.3  国内外研究现状    2
    1.4  本文的研究内容与方法    3
    2  炮射导弹经典内弹道模型    5
    2.1  几何燃烧定律及应用条件    5
    2.2  瞬时挤进假设    5
    2.3  内弹道基本假设    6
    2.4  经典内弹道方程组    6
    2.5  本章小结    7
    3  一文气动力模型    8
    3.1  一文气动力模型概述    8
    3.2  一文气动力模型基本假设    9
    3.3  一文气动力模型基本方程    9
    3.4  本章小结    10
    4  数值求解    11
    4.1  火药的形状特征量    11
    4.2  经典内弹道模型    13
    4.3  一文气动力模型    13
    4.4  边界条件以及稳定性分析    16
    4.5  本章小结    18
    5  数值分析    19
    5.1  火炮及火药参数    19
    5.2  结果曲线    19
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