    毕业论文关键词: 工艺方案;模具结构;注塑成型;模具设计
    Industrial Analysis and mold Design of digital Camera Case
    Abstract: With the needs of the development of modern industry, plastic products in industry, agriculture, military and other fields of daily life and the application scope is more and more wide, as well as the quality requirements become more and more high. China has become one of the largest plastics market in the world, and the production of plastic products in the world is second.
    The topic about the molding of digital camera case is produced in the modern mold of typical products. To independently complete the design of injection molding, need to determine the molding process plan, design reasonable mold structure; reasonable selection of materials and injection mold machines. In the design process needs to have capability that analyze and solve quality problems in the injection molding process encountered. The content on pay attention to the combination of  theory and practice, a comprehensive expression of design and working condition. the mold should be designed to effectively reflect the "for the purpose of application" features, as well as a higher practical value.
    Key words: Process; The mold structure; Injection molding ; Mold design
    目  录
    1  绪论 1
    2  塑料制品分析 2
    2.1  明确制品设计要求 2
    2.2  明确制品批量 2
    2.3  材料选择及性能 2
    2.3.1  材料选择 5
    2.4  成型设备 3
    2.5  拔模斜度 3
    2.6  计算制品的体积和质量 4
    2.6.1  表面质量的分析 4
    2.6.2  塑件的体积及重量 4
    3  注射机及成型方案的确定  5
    3.1  注射机的确定 5
    3.2  成型方案的确定 5
    3.2.1  成型设备的选择 5
    3.2.2  成型特点 5
    3.2.3  成型原理 6
    3.2.4  成型过程 6
    4  注射机与模具各参数的校核 7
    4.1  工艺参数的校核 7
    4.2  模具安装尺寸的校核 8
    4.2.1  喷嘴的校核 8
    4.2.2  定位圈尺寸的校核 8
    4.2.3  模具外形尺寸的校核 8
    4.2.4  模具厚度的校核 8
    4.2.5  安装参数的校核 8
      4.3  开模行程的校核 9
    5  型腔数的确定及分型面的选择 10
    5.1  型腔数的确定 10
    5.2  分型面的选择 10
    5.2.1  分型面的主要选择原则 10
    5.3  确定型腔的排列方式 11
    5.4  标准模架的选用 12
    6  成型零部件的设计与计算  13
    6.1  凸模设计 13
    6.2  凹模设计 13
    6.3  成型零件工作尺寸的计算 14
    6.3.1  模腔工作尺寸的计算 14
    7  浇注系统的设计 17
    7.1  主流道设计 17
    7.2  分流道设计 17
    7.3  浇口设计 18
    7.4  平衡进料 18
    7.5  冷料井设计 18
    8  排气与冷却系统的设计  19
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