    关键词  开式曲柄压力机  参数化设计  曲柄滑块机构  传动系统
    Title    Parametric Design of Open-type Crank Press      
    In this paper, we mainly discuss the open-type crank press slider crank mechanism and the transmission system in the KnowleWorker software modular and parametric design. Under the premise of understanding the basic design of the open-type crank press, establishing the 3D geometric model of each part of the slider crank mechanism and transmission system in the SolidWorks software, using KnowleWorker software to establish the crankshaft, connecting rod, gear, belt wheel and rotating shaft design calculation module, extract the main design parameters, and the establishment of a constraint relation between parameters and realize the parametric CAD model design. On that basis, with 63 tons open-type crank press as the design object, the updated design parameters passed directly to the SolidWorks parametric model, generating a new three-dimensional geometric model. The application of parametric design technology to engineering examples can significantly improve the working efficiency.
    Keywords  open-type crank press    parametric design    slider crank mechanism    transmission system
    目   次
     1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
    1.2  曲柄压力机的结构和功能特点    1
    1.3  参数化设计技术的发展与现状    2
    1.4  参数化设计系统的开发实例    3
    1.5  研究内容和技术方案    3
    2  曲柄滑块机构的参数化设计    5
    2.1  主要计算公式及尺寸约束    5
    2.2  曲柄滑块机构主要零件参数化建模    7
    3  传动系统的参数化设计    9
    3.1  主要计算公式及尺寸约束    9
    3.2  传动系统主要零件参数化建模    12
    4  参数化设计模块的开发    14
    4.1  参数化模块的实现方法和原理    14
    4.2  曲柄滑块机构设计计算模块的开发    15
    4.3  曲柄滑块机构参数化设计模块的开发    20
    4.4  传动系统设计计算模块的开发    21
    4.5  传动系统参数化设计模块的开发    27
    5  设计案例    31
    5.1  主要输入输出参数数值    31
    5.2  参数化后的三文模型    34
    结论    38
    致谢    39
    参考文献    40
    1    绪论
    1.1     课题研究背景
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