    Wire rope friction pad test platform measurement system design    [Abstract]Hoist friction pad of micro slip test platform, which includes a support gantry loading systems, power systems and measuring systems. Support carriage includes a bottom beam, a support column in the bottom ends of the beam, pulley bracket and adjust the bracket mounted on the support post. Pulley bracket on the fixed pulley, fixed hooks with adjustable mounting bracket, bottom beam has a central bearing. By the middle of the swing lever hinged bearing in the bearing housing, while oscillating rod end mounted friction pad, set up a curved recess friction pad; loading system includes a friction pad curved groove rope, wire rope at one end and fixed hook connected to the other end of which bypasses the fixed rope pulley connected to the rear cylinder piston rod; exciter is part of the power system, the exciter achieve articulated by the lower end of the connecting rod and the swing rod; tension and strain gauge sensors are belonging to the measuring system. The present invention can simulate friction hoist the actual working conditions, enabling variable frequency, variable amplitude, variable load and variable curvature of the micro-slip friction test.
    [Key words]Measurement system,Friction pad, Hydraulic cylinders

    摘要    2
    前言    3
    第一章 课题综述研究方法    4
    1.1课题简介    4
    1.2技术领域    6
    1.3背景技术    6
    1.4课题任务    7
    1.5课题研究方法及技术路线    7
    1.6小结    7
    第二章 测量系统设计与分析    8
    2.1传感器的作用    8
    2.2传感器的分类    8
    2.3传感器的性能指标    9
    2.4传感器的选择及其各项特征    9
    2.5 电阻应变片的结构及其工作原理    10
    2.6摩擦系数的测量    13
    2.7小结    13
    第三章 加载系统    14
       3.1钢丝绳    14
       3.2液压缸    15
       3.3小结    17
    第四章 其他系统    18          
       4.1摩擦衬垫    18
       4.2挂钩    20
       4.3耳环    21
    后记    23
    参考文献    25
  1. 上一篇:卧式柱塞泵三维造型与运动仿真+UG仿真
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