    关键词  大口径自行火炮 弹药传输机械臂 单自由度机械臂机电系统 随机基础振动
    Title   A  Modeling, simulation  and Control Research of the mechanic arm with  basic vibration  happening
    The core part of large-caliber artillery ammunition can do self-loading, and its performance determines the level of artillery modernization level of digitization. This article is targeted on large-caliber self-propelled artillery ammunition transmission arm with automatic loading system, and shows a  vibration manipulator system after being simplified . Combined with the actual output control , the actual implementation of control program provides a good simulation of ammunition transport arm in response to external random excitation control process,which provides a foundation for improving the self-loading ammunition theory .
    First of all,this article talks about the mechanical and electrical systems including single DOF manipulator arm, motor, incremental encoder, the motor controller and gearbox, including the establishment of a three-dimensional model with single degree of freedom.Using ADAMS and MATLAB to simulate the electric and mechanical systems in two different situation: the presence of random vibration-free foundation existing or not ,we can prove that basic vibration  has significant impact on the dynamic characteristics of the robot arm.
    Keywords:large-caliber self-propelled artillery  ammunition transfer arm   single degree of freedom arm   random basic vibration
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  本课题国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国内研究现状    3
    1.3  本文主要研究内容    4
    2  单自由度机械臂机电系统机电系统设计    5
    2.1  机械臂机电系统总体方案设计    5
    2.1.1  弹药传输机械臂机电系统简介    5
    2.1.2  系统方案设计    6
    2.2  机械臂传输系统各部件选择    6
    2.2.1 直流电机的选择    7
    2.2.2 增量式编码器的选择    8
    2.2.4 电机控制器    10
    2.2.5 末端减速器和联轴器的选择    11
    2.3  单自由度机械臂机电系统    11
    2.4  本章小结    12
    3  电机驱动下机械臂机电系统仿真    13
    3.1  虚拟仿真技术概述及ADAMS简介    13
    3.1.1虚拟仿真技术概述    13
    3.1.2 ADAMS简介    13
    3.2  机械臂机电系统仿真    13
    3.2.1 系统基本模型    13
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