    关键词  直线模组  滚珠丝杠  直线导轨 滑块
    Title   Design the two linkage linear  drived  by  single one linear module          
    The topic of this paper are the two linkage linear drived by single drive module, its core principles is a vertical  a vertical track  drives two inclined track the movement of the slider, its movement characteristic is when one of the slider have larger displacement, another has a relatively small displacement, so that it can adjust the platform to realize accurate requirements of the position. First , this paper introduce the development history, present situation,  summarizes and movement characteristics, and then compare some existing linear modules on the market products , and select suitable products, combined with precise calculation, selection of the straight line module and  the most important guide rail, slider, and screw. From the structure and function of the overall analysis and design, design the specific shape of a ball screw and at the end, design the fixed pattern and the morphological structure of the linear module. Finally select appropriate gear reducer and motor.And   with  the assembly of each part in the right way,it will be integrated into a full range of liner modules。
    keywords   Linear module  Ball screw   Linear Guides   Slider
    目 录    5
    1  绪论    7
    1.1  直线模组的作用和发展    7
    1.1.2  发展    8
    1.2  直线模组的类型    9
    1.2.1  丝杠传动式    9
    1.2.2轮带式    10
    1.2.3  齿轮齿条式    11
    1.2.4  直线电机式    12
    1.3  直线模组的特点总结    13
    1.4  线性模组所存在的问题及发展趋势    13
    1.5  单驱两联动线性模组与普通线性模组的比较    14
    1.6  单驱两联动线性模组的设计原理及特点    15
    1.7  本论文的总体设计方案    16
    1.8  本论文各元件的选择方案    17
    2  总体参数的匹配与计算    18
    2.1  原始数据    18
    2.2  滑块和导轨的设计和计算    18
    2.2.1  倾斜轨道与滑块的设计    19
    2.2.1  倾斜轨道与滑块的设计    23
    2.3   滚珠丝杠的设计    26
    2.3   滚珠丝杠螺母的设计    30
    2.4   竖直轨道上各个零件的尺寸确定及其相互间的配合    30
    2.5   输入端减速器的确定    31
    2.6   轴承的选择    31
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