    摘要为了保证结构设计的正确性,通过理论计算对引信螺纹强度进行校核;为了保证引信的保险可靠性和解除可靠性;为了得出引信准确延期解除保险的安全距离,通过对冲击波安全距离的计算得出该迫击炮弹延期解除保险的水平安全距离;为了获得引信延期解除保险的时间,通过外弹道理论计算得到该炮弹的弹形系数以及最小装药下的初速,并设计了钟表机构以及对扭簧进行了相关计算;为了分析该引信钟表机构运动过程,采用ADAMS动力学软件进行仿真分析,得到钟表机构转子的运动特性和钟表机构的延时时间和启动力矩。结果表明钟表机构延期解除保险距离大于炮口安全距离且对扭簧进行结构上的改进;通过理论计算对保险机构保险性能和解除保险性能进行仿真计算,结果表明双自由度后坐保险机构在发射过载下能可靠解除保险,且能保证1.5 m落高跌向钢板时的安全性。为了保证设计尺寸的正确性,对引信零部件的重要尺寸进行尺寸链计算。26697
    关键词  迫击炮弹  引信  钟表机构  仿真
    Title  System analysis and design calculations for a large caliber contact mortar fuze                
    To ensure the correctness of the designed structural, check the thread strength of fuze by theoretical caculation;to ensure the safety distance of institution of arming delay ,calculated the safe distance of shock wave ; in order to get the time of arming performance,calculated by using the theory of exterior ballistics then obtain the coefficient of projectile and the velocity under minimum charge,and designed a clockwork and relevant calculation of torsional spring .In order to analyze motion process of clockwork, the ADAMS software was used to simulation, reached the movement characteristic of rotor and the delay time of clockwork and starting torque . The results show that clockwork arming delay distance is longer than muzzle safe separation distance and improving the structure of torsion spring; to ensure the reliability of safety and arming, the safety and arming performance of the satety device was calculated by theory; The results show that two degree setback arming device can arming reliably under launch overload and ensure safety of the safe feature droping steel target at 1.5 m height;two degree initiation mechanism firing reliable under launch overload and ensure safety of the safe feature droping steel target at 1.5 m height.To ensure the correctness of the dimensions designed, dimensions chain of important dimension of fuze were calculated.
    Keywords  mortat  fuze  clockwork  simulation
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  本课题研究背景    1
    1.2  迫击炮弹引信技术现状    1
    1.3  本课题研究的主要内容    5
    2  总体设计    6
    2.1  引信主要战术技术指标    6
    2.2  技术方案的分析和选择    6
    2.3  结构组成    10
    3  设计计算及校核    13
    3.1  过载系数的计算    13
    3.2  弹体和引信体螺纹连接强度校核    13
    3.3  引信体和传爆管联接螺纹强度计算校核    14
    4  弹簧设计计算    16
    4.1  弹道簧    16
    4.2  击针簧    20
    4.3  惯性筒簧    22
    4.4  反恢复簧    24
    4.5  火帽座簧    26
    4.6  扭簧    27
    5  延期解除保险性能计算    30
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