    关键词  电磁炮  引信  保险   电路
    Title  Analysis and Design of Fuze for the shell of   Electromagnetic Gun                              
    Electromagnetic gun has lots of advantages, such as the large kinetic energy when the projectile is shot because of the high velocity, the uniform acceleration of projectile, shooting with low noise, no smoke, no cartridge, etc. Therefore, the electromagnetic gun is now a hot research topic in military science and technology. Based on this background, this paper is about a warhead fuze, which has timing function, and can remove insurance using magnetic environment. The specific work is as follows: The first part is about the analysis of the electromagnetic railgun firing principle and the characteristics of strong magnetic environment in the chamber, and the calculation of some parameters such as the recoil load; The second part is the design of insurance structure ,the fuze has redundancy safety device, consisting of recoil insurance and magnetic insurance. The final part is the circuit design, including the schematic diagram and the programming on SCM, which can realize the function of the fuze, its correctness is validated with simulation.
    Keywords  Electromagnetic Gun  Fuze  Safety device   Circuit
    目   次
    1  绪论 1
    1.1 研究背景 1
    1.2 国内外研究现状  1
    1.3 行文结构 3
    2  电磁炮工作原理及发射环境分析 4
    2.1 电磁炮工作原理 4
    2.2 研究背景 4
    2.3 本章小结 7
    3  引信总体设计8
    3.1 引信构成 8
    3.2 引信作用过程 10
    3.3 本章小结12
    4  引信保险机构设计12
    4.1 后坐保险机构设计12
    4.2 磁环境解除保险机构设计18
    4.3 本章小结20
    5  引信电路设计20
    5.1 引信作用过程与程序流程图20
    5.2 电源电路设计23
    5.3 B-dot探针电路设计24
    5.4 电推销电路设计与发火电路设计24
    5.5 本章小结31
    结论  32
    致谢  34
    附录A  程序  37
    图 表 目 录
    图2.1  电磁炮原理图 4
    图2.2  电磁炮平面模型 5
    图2.3  直线电流的磁场5
    图3.1  引信装配体图 8
    图3.2  电磁轨道炮引信 9
    图3.3  短路原理图10
    图3.4  平时短路状态 11
    图3.5  转子转正时电雷管接入发火电路 11
    图3.6  短路杆11
    图4.1  后坐保险机构 13
    图4.2  后坐保险机构尺寸设计依据 13
    图4.3  弹簧状态13
    图4.4  弹簧设计 18
    图4.5  磁解除保险机构原理图 19
    图4.6  保险状态19
    图4.7  解保状态 19
    图5.1  C8051F330单片机引脚图 22
    图5.2  程序流程图 23
    图5.3  电源电路图24
    图5.4  霍尔探头原理图 25
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