    The Design of Premixing Charging Device
    Abstract:According to research and design requirements, designing a set of premixing charging device to help to pre-establish a hybrid composite automatic production line.
    Counting the weight automatically through rational design of the feeding mechanism and the use of electronic automatic batching scales. Controlling the feeding time, feeding quantity reasonably according to the time requirement. Analyzing the effects of the blade shape to the mixing and stirring efficiency through a lot of research. Designing the blade shape reasonably according to the media type, the requirement of the time of stirring and discharging in order to optimize efficiency. Then analyzing and verifying its feasibility through experiment. Eventually it proves that to obtain the corresponding effect under the premise of mixing, choose double paddle mixer (folding leaves) saves more power. Equipping with baffle can form stable turbulence, obtain better mixing effect. Through rational calculation and design process, improving the pre-mixed feed device’s structure and layout to meet the technical requirements.
    Keywords:Premixing charging device;Automatic counterweight;The blade shape;Mixing efficiency
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1    本课题介绍及背景    1
    1.1.1  课题介绍    1
    1.1.2  课题背景    1
    1.2  相关领域国内外研究概况    2
    1.2.1  搅拌桨的分类与比较    2
    1.2.2  搅拌混合流场分析    3
    1.2.3  自动加料机构    4
    1.2.4  称量单元    5
    1.3  本课题主要内容    5
    2  储罐与搅拌混合设备的设计    6
    2.1  初混反应釜的设计    6
    2.1.1  确定几何尺寸    6
    2.1.2  强度计算(按内压计算罐体及夹套厚度)    7
    2.1.3  稳定性校核(按外压计算罐体厚度)    10
    2.1.4  水压试验校核    11
    2.1.5  接管设计    11
    2.1.6  传热功率计算    13
    2.1.7  搅拌器选型及设计    14
    2.1.8  反应釜的传动装置    20
    2.1.9  支座的选择、设计    24
    2.2  固化反应釜的设计    25
    2.2.1  筒体设计    25
    2.2.2  封头设计    27
    2.2.3  接管设计    27
    2.2.4  搅拌器选型及设计    28
    2.2.5  反应釜的传动装置    30
    2.2.6  支座的选择、设计    34
    2.3  苯乙烯储藏罐的设计    35
    2.3.1  筒体设计    36
    2.3.2  封头设计    36
    2.3.3  接管设计    37
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