    关键词  二级轻气炮  Runge-Kutta法  数学模型  发射性能
    Title    Light air launcher interior ballistic model and
     ballistic performance analysis     
    A two-stage light gas gun is by gunpowder combustion produces high temperature and high pressure combustion gas pushes the piston to move, the piston compressing light gas, use the expansion of gases acting on the projectile, projectile get super high velocity emission device. It is a generic high-speed launch vehicles, because its complexity, we need to explore in the process of loading structure of transmission data and the influence law of launch parameters on the performance, so as to expand the study of the internal ballistic process.
    According to the principle of its launch, using classical interior ballistic theory to describe its process of transmission. By establishing the mathematical model of aerodynamic force secondary light gas gun basic equations, using the classic Runge - Kutta method to solve the interior ballistic equations of calculating launch, implements the secondary light gas gun launch process of theoretical calculation. This paper mainly on 30mm/100mm secondary light gas gun analysis, summarizes the change of structure parameters and loading conditions of two-stage light gas gun emission properties of the law, laid the foundation for further research.
    Keywords  A two-stage light gas gun  Runge - Kutta method  Mathematical model
              Emission performance
    目  录
    主要符号表    1
    1  绪论    3
    1.1  课题背景及意义    3
    1.2  研究概况    4
    1.2.1  国外研究概况    4
    1.2.2  国内研究现状    5
    1.3  本文的主要工作    6
    2  二级轻气炮内弹道过程    8
    2.1  二级轻气炮的结构    8
    2.2  二级轻气炮的工作原理    9
    2.3  二级轻气炮的发射过程    9
    3  二级轻气炮的内弹道模型及数值方法    12
    3.1  二级轻气炮的内弹道模型    12
    3.2  数值方法及条件分析    18
    4  二级轻气炮数值模拟    21
    4.1  数值模拟结果与性能分析    21
    4.2  参数对二级轻气炮的性能影响    26
    4.2.1  活塞质量    26
    4.2.2  初始注气压力    28
    4.2.3  装药量    30
    结  论    35
    致  谢    36
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