    关键词  手动变速器  输入轴  输出轴  传动比  有限元分析
    Title      The Design of Manual Transmission System     
    Transmission is an important component of automobile transmission system, and effects the vehicle dynamic performance, fuel economy, handling stability, reliability and efficiency directly.Manual mechanical transmission has the disadvantages of large volume, inconvenient operation, big shifting impact and so on, but it is also characterized by its high transmission efficiency, low manufacturing cost, high reliability and simple structure. So it gets widely used in modern cars.
    This paper explains the working principle of transmission input and output shaft, and analyses the power transmission line through the design of manual transmission system. Once transmission design scheme is determined, transmission ratio can be determined  and the parameters of the main parts of gearbox can be designed and calculated according to the design parameters of the full vehicle.Finite element analysis of the gear and shaft in a certain gear were carried out and compared with the calculated results. The final part of the design reorganizes all determined parameters, and draws 2D engineering drawings and 3D model of input and output shaft.
    Keywords  manual transmission   input shaft   out shaft    transmission ratio finite element analysis
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  课题研究现状    1
    1.3  课题研究内容    2
    2  变速器的概述及确定方案    3
    2.1  手动变速器的动力传递路线分析    3
    2.2  变速器的分类    4
    2.3  变速器的功用和要求    4
    2.4  变速器结构方案的确定    5
    2.5  本章小结    8
    3  变速器主要参数的选择和主要零件的设计与计算    9
    3.1  变速器主要参数的选择    9
    3.2  各档齿轮齿数的分配    13
    3.3  齿轮变位系数的选择    15
    3.4  本章小结    15
    4  变速器的设计与计算    16
    4.1  齿轮的损坏原因及形式    16
    4.2  齿轮的强度计算与校核    16
    4.3  齿轮材料的选择与热处理    19
    4.4  轴的强度计算与校核    19
    4.5  本章小结    23
    5  基于ANSYS的汽车变速器有限元静力学分析    24
    5.1  变速器第一轴有限元静态分析    24
    5.2  变速器第二轴有限元静态分析    26
    5.3  变速器第二轴一档齿轮有限元静态分析    29
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