    关键词  供弹机系统  建模  MATLAB/Simulink  SolidWorks  ADAMS  联合仿真等
    Title  Dynamics Analysis and Control of a Certain Artillery Ramming System                            
    An ammunition supplying mechanism of a certain artillery was studied in this thesis, and the working principle of the ammunition supplying mechanism was introduced through the review of current domestic and foreign literatures. Referred to the the available ammunition supplying mechanism, the structural model was designed and established in SolidWorks software according to the design principle and the given relevant conditions, based on a good understanding of its function. The specific performance and structural analysis of the ammunition supplying mechanism model were conducted using dynamic simulation software ADAMS. Then, the ADAMS and MATLAB/Simulink softwares were used to suceed co-simulation of the ammunition supplying mechanism model, thus the dynamic response, vibration state and motion law during ammunition feed were obtained.Finally, the ammunition supplying mechanism satisfied the design requirements were developed and established based on the analysis of simulation results.
    Keywords  ammunition supplying mechanism  modelling  MATLAB/Simulink  SolidWorks  ADAMS  Co-simulation
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  选题背景    2
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  本文的主要工作    5
    2  供弹机三文实体模型    6
    2.1  供弹机部分零件三文实体模型    6
    2.1.1  供弹机中弹仓相关零件的三文实体模型    6
    2.1.2  供弹机中弹仓的三文实体模型    8
    2.1.3  供弹机中组成主动轴、从动轴的零件的三文实体模型    9
    2.1.4  供弹机中主动轴、从动轴的三文实体模型    11
    2.2  装配后的供弹机零件实体模型    12
    2.3  供弹机整体装备模型的导入    12
    3  供弹机动力学建模与仿真分析    14
    3.1  ADAMS软件介绍    14
    3.2  供弹机系统的建模与仿真分析    14
    4  ADAMS与MATLAB联合仿真    17
    4.1  ADAMS/Controls模块    17
    4.2  MATLAB/Simulink工具箱[    17
    4.3  ADAMS以及Simulink联合仿真步骤    19
    4.3.1  构造ADAMS样机模型[11]    19
    4.3.2  确定ADAMS的输入输出[14]    19
    4.3.3  用MATLAB/Simulink构造控制系统框图    23
    4.4  MATLAB+ADAMS联合仿真    23
    4.5  联合仿真结果分析    24
    结  论    30
    致  谢    31
    参考文献    32
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