    为达到轴承装配时间小于5S/套的目的,对测控系统的硬件进行了设计和选择,硬件部分主要包括 PLC 和驱动电机。最后回归于软件设计,包括软件开发流程图等。
     Abstract Thrust needle roller bearing automatic assembly machine is to achieve the raceway ring, needle roller and cage assembly of components and equipment. The design chosen as the standard bearing thrust needle roller bearings AXK7510, according to the requirements need to assemble 40 needle into the corresponding hole in the cage assembly. Needle assembly method in China at present is still relatively backward, low speed of assembly, assembly quality can not be guaranteed. Therefore, thrust needle roller bearing automatic assembly system is designed and studied.
    This paper analyzes the assembly difficulties, proposed a new method for needle bearing assembly, describes the features and main structure thrust needle roller bearing automatic assembly machine, and the use of the programmable controller technology to complete the needle roller bearings (qualified or not) sorting.
    Based on the overall organization and the work process, the detail of the thrust needle roller bearing automatic assembly machine mechanical design system, mainly by the arrangement of the needle mechanism, ratchet mechanism, geneva mechanism, a pressing mechanism and sorting mechanism.
    In order to achieve the purpose of the bearing assembly time of less than 5 seconds per sets, hardware monitoring and control system has been designed and options, including hardware PLC and the drive motor. Finally, return to the software design, software development flow chart.
        This design of the thrust needle bearing automatic assembly systems can achieve high-speed set needle arrangement, the assembly as a whole, can achieve automatic loading device to automatically load the Undo function, programming convenience, and the whole control process is simple.
    KEYWORDS: Thrust Needle Roller Bearings;Automated Assembly;Cylinder
    目  录
    1  绪论1
    1.1  概述1
    1.2  自动装配的发展概况2
    1.3  研究目的、意义及本文结构4
    1.3.1  研究目的、意义5
    1.3.2  本文结构5
    1.4  本章小结5
    2  总体方案设计6
    2.1  系统功能设计要求、技术指标及功能分析6
    2.1.1  系统的设计要求、技术指标6
    2.1.2  系统的功能分析6
    2.2  系统全自动装配功能的实现7
    2.3  本章小结8
    3  机械系统结构设计9
    3.1  机械系统结构设计方案9
    3.1.1  系统设计原则9
    3.1.2  系统总体机构及工作过程10
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