    毕业论文关键词: 轴类零件;无损检测;自动检测;装置设计
    Design of electromagnetic auto detection device for surface defects of shaft parts
    Abstract:TDetection of electromagnetic nondestructive testing is a use of acoustic, optical, magnetic and electrical properties in does not damage or does not affect the detection performance under the premise, examine the inspection and Quarantine of whether there is a defective or uneven, to show the defect size, location, nature and quantity of such information, and then determine the inspection object technology (such as qualified or not, the residual life of) all the technology in general.
    In recent years, the number of products machinery manufacturing industry in China has been ranked in the forefront of the world, but mainly labor-intensive products, with independent intellectual property rights of the high, precise, sharp products is relatively small, with microelectronics technology, microprocessor technology, information technology and materials technology rapid development and change ceaselessly, detection technology also immediately thoroughly remould oneself change, so the detection of electromagnetic detection technology is applied to mechanical parts to become an urgent task. Artificial control detection probe moving with the current detection device, positioning mobile detection probe detection is not very good, easy to bring large error and increase the workload of inspectors is not necessary. In order to simplify the operation process, reduce the workload of the measuring staff, improve the detection accuracy and data credibility, and design the device of this research..
    KeyWords:Shaft parts; Nondestructive testing; Automatic; Device design
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  电磁检测的特点及类型    1
    1.2  无损检测在国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  课题的设计任务    2
    2  总体设计方案    3
    2.1  系统工作原理    3
    2.2  装置总体机构设计    3
    2.3  电磁自动检测流程    5
    2.4  检测系统的主要性能参数    5
    3 机械结构设计计算    6
    3.1  水平方向机构设计计算    6
    3.1.1  概述    6
    3.1.2  水平滚珠丝杠副    6
    3.2  检测探头夹持装置设计    19
    3.2.1  电涡流传感器的安装及设计要求    19
    4  驱动装置选择    22
    4.1  概述    22
    4.2  方案论述过程    22
    4.3  步进电机的选择    23
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