    双层立体车库摘 要:双层立体车库是为日益增长的轿车而设计的停车位装置,该装置有停车区、伸降装置、旋转装置主要部件组成。停车区分上下二层,每层有四个车位小区,车位小区有载车板、横移装置、纵移装置、顶升装置,横移和纵移装置可以将载有车辆的载车板,实现横移和纵移运动,使车辆停放在指定位置。伸降装置可以将车辆提伸到上层位置,旋转装置主要是实现车辆的调头,驾驶员将车辆停放在该位置,就可实现车辆在停车区的自动停放。该装置运用机械、液压、电气传动、PLC控制使机电液一体化技术得到了有效的结合。本文对总体布局和主要部件进行了方案拟定,对链轮、轴承、电机等主要零件进行了设计计算和选择,拟定了液压系统原理图,对主要零部件的结构设计进行了分析和阐述。35707
    Double stereo garage
    Abstract:Double stereo garage is designed for the growing car parking device, the device has a parking area, extension device, rotating device of main parts. Parking to distinguish between upper and lower layer, each layer has four parking area, the floors of parking area has a load, transverse device, the vertical moving device, jack lifting device, transverse and longitudinal device can be carrying vehicle plate, realize the transverse and longitudinal motion, make the vehicle parked in the designated location. Drop device can be vehicles carry the reach to the upper position and rotating device mainly is to realize the vehicle back, the driver will be in the position, vehicle parking can implement automatic parking vehicles in a parking area. The device using mechanical, hydraulic, electrical transmission, PLC control to make the combination of mechanical and electrical integration of liquid technology effectively. In this paper, the general layout and main parts were proposed, the chain wheel, bearing, motor design calculation and selection of main parts, such as hydraulic system schematic diagram is worked out, the structure of main parts design are analyzed and expounded.
    KeyWords: Parking equipment;transmission system;Rotating device ;Lifting gear          Jack; lifting device
    1 绪论    1
    1.1双层立体车库的必要性和发展趋势    1
    1.2立体车库的种类和特点    3
    2双层立体车库的简介    4
    2.1课题的提出    4
    2.2双层立体车库的基本规格    4
    3双层立体车库的方案拟定    5
    3.1双层立体停车库的组成    5
    3.1.1机械装置各部件的作用、组成和工作原理    5
    3.1.2小车进入和驶离停车位的说明    8
    3.2车位小区的方案拟定    8
    3.2.1车位板移动的工作原理    9
    3.2.3纵移装置的驱动和传动方式的方案拟定    10
    3.3升降装置的方案拟定    11
    3.4旋转装置的方案拟定    11
    4双层立体车库的设计计算和结构设计    12
    4.1.车位小区的设计计算    12
    4.1.1纵移装置的设计计算    12
    4.1.2横移装置的设计计算    19
    4.1.3顶升缸的设计计算    20
    4.3旋转装置的设计计算    22
    4.4液压系统的设计计算    23
    5安全装置    24
    6控制系统    24
    致  谢    27
    1 绪论
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