    Summary: The X type of instrument panel assembly is an automatic equipment designed for the assembly and locating pin for the automobile instrument panel.. Jig, slipway mechanism, pressure detection mechanism and the rack and other main components composition in the equipment fixture mainly the dashboard positioning and clamping effect, slipway mechanism have driving cylinder, guide rail and load, adjustable stroke file positioning block, will be equipped with products and sent to the assembly position, pressure institutions are special pressure head can at the same time, three positioning pin is pressed and detection, an operator only needs to instrument panel into the specified location can be realized automatic clamping, automatic feeding, automatic pressing process. Device, using a pneumatic transmission, PLC control, realize the effective combination of electrical and mechanical integration technology. In this paper, we determine the action of the automatic cycle, the overall layout of the plan, draws the schematic diagram of the pneumatic system, the gas circuit control were described in detail, design calculation and selection of the main components, the structural design of the main parts are analyzed and explained,
    Keywords: automatic, locating, pneumatic, control, detection
    1 绪论    3
    2.课题简介    3
    2.1课题的任务内容    3
    2.2X仪表盘主要参数    3
    3.X型仪表盘装配装置的方案拟定    5
    3.1X型仪表盘的组成(机械、传动、控制、检测)    5
    3.1.1X型仪表盘装配装置自动循环方案确定    5
    3.1.2X型仪表盘装配装置机械装置的组成和各主要部件的作用    5
    3.1.3X型仪表盘的总体布局    6
    3.2夹具的方案拟定    6
    3.2.1夹具的组成和工作原理说明    6
    3.3移动装置的方案拟定    7
    3.3.1移动装置的组成和工作原理说明    7
    3.4压下检测装置的方案拟定    7
    3.4.1压下检测装置的组成和工作原理说明    7
    4.X型仪表盘装配装置的设计计算和结构设计    8
    4.1夹具的设计计算和结构设计    8
    4.1.1支撑柱的设计与家具的结构设计    8
    4.1.2摆动缸的选择    9
    4.2移动装置的设计计算和结构设计    9
    4.2.1工作台的结构设计    9
    4.2.2移动气缸的设计计算和选择    9
    4.2.3导轨的设计计算和选择    13
    4.4X型仪表盘装配装置气压系统的设计计算    18
    4.4.1各执行元件的动作循环和工作行程    18
    4.4.2气压系统原理图拟定    19
    4.4.3电磁铁动作循环顺序表    19
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