

    毕业论文关健词:自动 装配 移动 压下 工装

    The automobile instrument panel assembly work platform

    Abstract:An equipment of assembling car dashboard, which is used for car dashboard arranging positioning pins is an electrical machine technology as one of automation equipment.The device is composed of a pressing device, a moving device and a clamping device. The clamping device is the function of positioning and clamping for the automobile instrument panel. The mobile device sends the dashboard to the specified position. The pressing device can output a certain pressure for positioning pin assembly and pressing.The operator only needs to put the product into the designated position, the equipment can realize automatic positioning and clamping, automatic feeding, which is the circulation.The equipment not only improves the assembling precision and labor productivity, but also reduces the operator's labor intensity. In this paper,i design the main components and the circulation of the equipment, calculate and select the main components, make pressure system schematics and analysis and elaboration the effect of structural design component working principle and characteristics.

    Key words: automation  assembling  mobile  pressing  clamping device


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 汽车制造业的发展概况 1

    1.2 自动化的发展概况 1

    1.3 汽车仪表盘装配工作台的发展趋势 2

    第二章 课题基本内容 2

    2.1 课题的目的和意义 2

    2.2 课题的主要技术参数 2

        2.3 课题的设计要点 5

    第三章 汽车仪表盘装配工作台的方案确定 6

    3.1 总体布局的方案确定 6

        3.2 移动装置的方案确定 9

        3.3 压下装置的方案确定 15

        3.4 机架的方案确定 19

    第四章 汽车仪表盘装配工作台设计计算和结构设计 21

        4.1 装配工作台台移动装置的设计与计算 21

    4.2 装配工作台压下装置的设计 23

    第五章 汽车仪表盘装配工作台的气压系统设计 26

    5.1 设计要求并进行工况分析 26

    5.2 气压系统原理图 27

    第六章 自动控制部分和检测部分的设计

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