
    Automatic detection technology is a new discipline developed in recent years. It can automatically detect some technical requirements, difficulty and time-consuming, and can be completed in a short time.. It is widely used in the testing and continuous monitoring of the equipment before the factory, and it can also be used for fault detection and fault location of equipment.. As one of the important branches of reliability engineering, automatic detection technology is attached importance to. Its characteristics is under no damage to the parts material and the performance of the, use of advanced detection technology to detect object features and defects, in order to show the performance of the parts, or for industrial processes provide accurate data. The reason why the graduation design for axis parts of the surface defect electromagnetic auto detection parts design.
    The automatic electromagnetic detection of the surface defects of the shaft parts is the electromagnetic property which is presented by the material in the electromagnetic effect, and thus the detection method of the material's performance is detected.. The detection method can be subpided into eddy detection, magnetic particle detection, magnetic flux detection, magnetic memory detection, microwave detection, etc.. Eddy current testing is on the principle of electromagnetic induction for nondestructive detection method based, the detection principle can be described as: when carrying alternating current test coil near a conductor test pieces, due to the effect of alternating magnetic fields generated by the coil in the conductor produces eddy current. The magnitude of the eddy current, the phase and the flow form are affected by the time performance and the defects, and the anti magnetic field of the eddy can change the impedance of the coil.. Thus, by determining the impedance of the test coil, the results of the test can be deduced from the changes of the test performance and the conclusion of the defect.
    Key words: shaft parts; automatic detection; surface defect
    1 绪论 .. 1
    1.1 课题研究背景 .. 1
    1.2 研究现状、水平和发展趋势 .. 1
    1.2.1 国外研究状况  1
    1.2.2 国内研究状况  2
    1.2.3 发展趋势. 3
    1.3 论文的主要内容和研究目的 .. 3
    1.3.1 主要内容. 3
    1.3.2 研究目的. 4
    2 方案分析.. 4
    2.1 技术要求 4
    2.2原始条件及数据. 4
    2.3 方案设计 4
    2.3.1驱动方式.. 4
    2.3.2 初选方案. 5
    2.3.3 方案选用. 6
    3 结构设计.. 6
    3.1顶尖 6
    3.2顶尖安装盒与顶尖安装. 9
    4 选型与计算 .13
    1 绪论
    1.1 课题研究背景
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