    毕业论文关键词: 注射模;ABS塑料;CAD/UG
    Inject mold Design of Auto Control Rocker
    Abstract: The plastic parts is about auto parts, plastic material is used by ABS, also material which has been widely used.In the plastic products industry, plastic molding for plastic products in all kinds of plastic products in the proportion is quite big. In simple terms it has the following advantages: single production, high manufacturing costs; short manufacturing cycle; with a strong technical. With the development of the era, plastic products manufacturing is in constant developing forward. Traditional phased out of production and the emerging technology is becoming more common.Used in the mold design is the design of one module and two cavities, pause for injection screw injection machine. When designing this plastic parts and mold is used in the two, such as CAD, UG software. This design is not only the understanding of the further study of plastic mold, also is for the use of all kinds of software technology further sublimation. Use technology to promote traditional industries, the real do both together, better push forward each other.
    Key words: Injection old; ABS; CAD/UG
    目  录
    1  绪论  1
    1.1  塑料模具在国内外的发展情况1
    1.2  塑料模具及其特点1
    1.3  设计所涉及的软件介绍 2
    2 塑件结构与材料的分析 5
    2.1  结构分析 5
    2.2  材料的分析 5
    2.2.1  制件材料使用性能6
    2.2.2  塑料工艺性能6
    3  塑件的工艺分析8
    3.1  塑件的成型工艺 8
    3.2  塑件结构工艺性 8
    3.2.1  塑件尺寸精度分析8
    3.2.2  塑件的结构工艺性分析9
    4  注塑成型设备 10
    4.1  依据最大注射量初选设备10
    4.1.1  塑件的体积与质量10
    4.1.2  每次注射进入模具塑料总体积(总质量)10
    4.2  依据最大锁模力初选设备11
    4.3  成型时熔体塑料对动模的作用力11
    5  成型工艺参数 12
    5.1  确定成型工艺参数  12
    5.2  注射成型工艺卡12
    6  分型面的确定与浇注系统设计 13
    6.1  型腔数目及分布13
    6.2  选择分型面13
    6.3  浇注系统的设计14
    6.4  设计排气系统和引气系统15
    7  设计注塑机成型零件 16
    7.1  成型零件结构设计16
    7.1.1  斜导柱16
    7.1.2  滑块与导槽设计16
    7.1.3  锁紧块设计16
    7.2  成型零件尺寸计算16
    7.3  成型零件尺寸校核 18
    8  注塑模结构类型及模架的选用 20
    9  设计注塑模具调温系统 22
    9.1  冷却水体积流量22
    9.2  冷却管道及冷却回路22
    9.3  冷却回路的总长度23
    10  设计模具推出机构24
    10.1  推出力F及推出机构方式 24
    10.2  浇注系统凝料脱模 24
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