    [摘  要]:本设计的主要内容是YL25型轮胎压路机的总体结构方案设计,本设计课题来源于我国大型机械制造企业--徐工集团。这一企业是以生产大型机械为主的大型工程机械制造企业,主要生产各类工程施工过程中所用到的工程机械。其前身徐州工程机械制造厂是我国最早生产轮胎压路机的大型机械制造厂家。37724
    Overall design of YL25 tyre roller
     [Abstract]:The main content of this design is the overall structure of the pneumatic tyre roller YL25 type design, the design task from the large-scale machinery manufacturing enterprises in our country, the xugong group. This enterprise is a large machine large engineering machinery manufacturing enterprises, mainly the production of various kinds of construction machinery used in the process of engineering construction. Its predecessor of xuzhou construction machinery factory is the first production of pneumatic tyre roller large machinery manufacturers.
    This thesis mainly studies the YL25 type pneumatic tyre roller overall structure design, stability calculation, and the transmission system, hydraulic steering system and brake system design, the front wheel, rear wheel design, and the determination of basic parameters. In line with efficient, pluripotent, safe, reliable, comfortable, high automation level and low pollution, in the design process using the new technology, new structure, so the scientific and reasonable structure, the working performance and improve work efficiency, make the reliability of the new products, further improve the operation safety, comfort and environmental protection. Adopted some new methods at the same time, added some additional features, to make drivers get comfortable operating experience, to give a person the sense with pleasing appearance style.
    [Keywords]:tire roller、Engineering machinery、project design、structure design.
    第一章  前言    2
    1.1概述    2
    1.2研究的意义    2
    1.3轮胎压路机的现状及发展趋势    3
    1.4课题来源及主要研究内容    5
    第二章  方案设计    7
    2.1传动装置设计    7
    2.2悬挂装置设计    7
    2.3摇摆机构设计    8
    2.4转向操纵机构设计    8
    2.5制动机构设计    8
    2.6洒水系统设计    9
    2.7气路系统设计    9
    2.8车身设计    10
    2.9其他相关技术设计    10
    第三章  总体设计    11
    3.1基本参数的确定    11
    3.2轮胎变形特性和平均比压    11
    3.3行驶速度和速度比的分配    13
    3.4动力选择和牵引力计算    15
    3.5各种工况的阻力、附着力和功率计算    17
    3.6稳定性设计    22
    3.7爬坡能力设计    27
    3.8生产率计算    27
    3.9传动系统设计    28
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