    摘要:随着速度的提高,载荷的增加,内燃机车承载部件的服役环境更为恶劣。机车轮对是机车车辆最为主要的承载零部件,机车车辆的全部载荷重量都通过轮对传递到钢轨上,轮对结构的可靠性直接影响到重载货车的行车安全和承载能力。因此在研制内燃机车时,应该对其结构进行合理设计。因此,在设计阶段应该对轮对进行完善的强度分析。本文先对内燃机车轮对的国内外研究进行论述分析,介绍目前内燃机车轮对的研究现状。通过采用PTC公司的CreO2.0软件创建已有的东风4B型内燃机车转向架轮对的三文结构模型,并采用ANSYS软件根据国际铁路联盟组织的UIC 510-5中规定的计算载荷和计算工况对车轮强度进行有限元强度分析。38610
    毕业论文关键词: 内燃机车轮对;结构强度;静强度;有限元分析
    Strength Calculation And Evaluation Of Wheelsets Using FEM
    Abstract:With increasing speed, service environment increases the load bearing member diesel worse. As one of the main wheel bearing parts, the full weight of the vehicle by wheel exerted on the rail, the reliability of the structure is directly related to the comprehensive technical performance and driving safety of heavy-duty trucks. In the development of diesel, it should be the rational design of its structure. Therefore, it should be perfect for the strength analysis of the wheel at the design stage. This paper studies the internal combustion engine to the wheels of the analysis are discussed first at home and abroad, introduces the research on the current status of the internal combustion engine wheels. By using PTC's CreO2.0 software to create three-dimensional structural model of the existing Dong Feng 4B diesel locomotive bogie wheel, and using ANSYS software, according to the International Union of Railways UIC 510-5 organizations specified in the calculation of loads and calculation condition wheel strength finite element strength analysis.
    Key Words:Wheel sets ;structural strength;static strength;finite element analysis
    1    绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国内研究现状    3
    1.3 课题研究内容    4
    1.4 课题技术路线    4
    2    轮对建模    6
    2.1 PRO/E软件概述    6
    2.2 轮对结构设计    6
    2.2.1 轮对的基本组成    6
    2.2.2 车轴的结构设计    7
    2.2.3 车轮的结构设计    8
    3    车轮有限元建模    11
    3.1 有限元分析简介    11
    3.1.1 有限元法概述    11
    3.1.2 ABAQUS软件概述    12
    3.2 ABAQUS软件分析步骤    12
    3.2.1 导入轮对模型创建分析步    12
    3.2.2 轮对材料属性    13
    3.2.3 有限元网格的划分    14
    3.2.4 相互作用定义    14
    3.2.5 约束与载荷    15
    3.2.6 作业分析    15
    4    计算结果分析    16
    4.1 车轴强度评定    16
    4.1.1 车轴受力分析    16
    4.1.2 危险截面选择    19
    4.1.3 车轴参数    20
    4.1.4 车轴危险截面应力计算及强度评价    20
    4.2 车轮强度分析    21
    4.2.1 计算载荷工况    21
    4.2.2 车轮静强度评定    22
    4.2.3 有限元分析    22
    5    结论    25
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