    The Design of the Rotary Furnace
    Abstract:The design of the main diameter of 28 meters rotary hearth furnace,fuel and exhaust system design,including fuel combustion,the billet heating time,the furnace to determine the basic size,the heat balance calculation and the determination of fuel consumption,smoke extraction system calculation. Stove is pided into three parts, and warm for a period of heating period, for a long, hot for a period of time.Rotary hearth furnace using natural coke oven gas as main fuel。Rotary hearth furnace of this design approach of mechanical smoke exhaust. Stove smoke extraction system as a result of greater resistance,so the use of direct smoke smoke smoke form. Smoke extraction system in the design,the main resistance to the flue,the chimney of the calculation,the calculation of the resistance furnace,cooler-doped smoke machine selection and the selection and so on.
    Key words: annular furnace;Thermal;smoke extraction system
    1 引言    1
    1.1  加热炉炉型的选择    1
    1.2  设计的主要内容    2
    1.3  基本设计条件    2
    1.3.1  炉型及数量    2
    1.3.2  加热坯料的钢种及规格    2
    1.3.3  钢管坯加热要求    2
    1.3.4  环形炉生产能力    2
    1.3.5  装出料方式    3
    1.3.6  燃料条件    3
    1.3.7  烧嘴的选取    3
    1.4  炉型特点与节能措施    4
    1.4.1  环形加热炉炉型特点    4
    1.4.2  环形加热炉设计技术特点    4
    1.4.3  环形加热炉节能措施    5
    2  环形加热炉尺寸、燃料部分设计计算    6
    2.1  燃料燃烧计算    6
    2.1.1  燃料成分    6
    2.1.2  空气需要量和燃烧产物量及其成分的计算    6
    2.1.3  燃烧产物密度计算    7
    2.1.4  理论燃烧温度的计算    8
    2.2  钢坯加热时间的计算    8
    2.2.1  预热段计算    8
    2.2.2  加热段计算    13
    2.2.3  均热段计算    18
    2.3  炉子基本尺寸的确定    23
    2.3.1  炉膛宽度的确定    23
    2.3.2  炉膛高度的确定    24
    2.3.3  炉膛长度的确定    25
    2.4.1  热量收入项    28
    2.4.2  热量支出项    28
    3  排烟系统设计计算    37
    3.1  换热器烟气温度的确定    37
    3.1.1  换热器前烟气温度的确定    37
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