     Abstract  With the development of economy and technology,businesses become increasingly dependent on advanced electronic products, and chip resistors is an important part of a variety of electronic products.The advantages of chip resistor such as compact shape and great performance provide a broad prospect for electronic products’ development. Therefore, it necessary to research on the chip resistor’s performance and explore its optimum design. After a review of large amounts of data, we can found that the main damage to the joints  would be located between the resistor and the substrate in the actual use of the process. At the same time, the failure is mainly in the form of joint fatigue damage,This paper will study the relationship between the pads of different sizes and its performance.
      In this paper , I will arbitrarily select a specification of the chip resistor at first .Then i will establish several three-dimensional finite element model of different solder sizes with ANSYS to analog the fatigue failure process of chip resistor joint,which would achieve  the performance pads come in different sizes. At last, comparing the results and explore the optimal size of solder joints. The results would be of far-reaching significance to design and optimize of geometry shape of the solder joint and contribute to promoting the development of the electronics industry.
    Keywords: chip resistors; solder joints; fatigue damage; finite element simulation; optimization design
    摘  要    1
    第一章 绪论    3
    1.1课题综述    3
    1.2片式元件与片式电阻器    4
    1.3 国内外发展现状    5
    1.4 研究意义    6
    第二章 设计方案    7
    2.1有限元分析    7
    2.2 材料属性    8
    2.3有限元分析步骤    8
    2.4 片式电阻器型号选择    9
    2.5 片式电阻器件焊点尺寸设计    10
    第三章 片式电阻器件模型绘制    12
    3.1前处理    12
    3.2创建模型    12
    3.3后处理    14
    3.4本章小结    14
    第四章 结果与分析    16
    4.1 尺寸1分析    16
    4.2 尺寸2分析    19
    4.3尺寸3分析    22
    4.4尺寸4分析    25
    4.5尺寸5分析    28
    4.6 本章小结    31
    后  记    32
    致  谢    35
    参考文献    36第一章 绪论
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