    【Abstract】On the topic of this design is inertial motion toy tanks shell design and injection mold design, so the design is based on the premise of thermoplastic plastic molding technology, and injection molding technology is one of the important methods. I'll be the first to in the design on the structure characteristics of injection products and shape structure analysis technology, and through the process and the actual situation to choose ABS as the material of products. Also need for plastic pieces of the parting surface position selection argument analysis, and according to the requirements of the mould different parameters to choose the appropriate injection molding machine models.The design of gating system was described in detail, demoulding structure, launch mechanism, cooling and exhaust system analysis design, and the characteristics of the mould structure and injection molding machine matching for checking. Finally die set 3 d assembly, and 2 d figure of the parts parts drawing and assembly drawing.
    【Keyword】:Toy tanks, injection molding, mold, thermoplastics, parting surface
    第1章.绪论    4
    1.1课题研究意义    4
    1.2当今我国模具发展现况    4
    1.3国内模具未来发展展望    4
    1.4毕业设计内容概述    5
    第2章.塑件与塑件材料分析    5
    2.1塑件分析    5
    2.2塑件的材料分析    7
    2.3塑件尺寸精度的分析    8
    2.4塑件设计批量的分析    8
    2.5塑件的体积和质量的确定    8
    第3章.塑件分型面的确定    8
    第4章.注塑机的选择    9
    4.1注塑机的选择    9
    4.2注塑机的参数校核    11
    4.2.1最多注塑量校核    11
    4.2.2锁模力校核    11
    4.2.3注射压力校核    12
    4.2.4开模行程的校核    12
    4.2.5模具安装尺寸的校核    13
    第5章.浇注系统的设计    13
    5.1浇注系统的概述    13
    5.1.1浇注系统组成    13
    5.1.2浇注系统设计处理    14
    5.1.3浇注系统的设计原则    14
    5.2流道设计    14
    5.2.1主流道设计    14
    5.2.2冷料井设计    15
    5.2.3分流道设计    16
    5.3浇口设计    18
    第6章.成型零件的结构设计    19
    6.1结构设计    19
    6.1.1 设计型腔的结构    19
    6.1.2型芯的结构设计    20
    6.1.3成型零件的选材    21
    6.2成型零件工作尺寸计算    21
    6.2.1 型腔深度方面的尺寸    21
    6.2.2型腔径向尺寸    21
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