     Intelligent Material Handling Control System Designed Abstract
    With the development of computer intelligent control technology and mechatronics,and increasingly close combination of intelligent and mechanization,highly intelligent life has been getting closer and closer with us and human being is about to enter the highly intelligent society and people's lives will be more comfortable.Of course,the microcontroller as the center of the automation and control technology has been rapid development.The microcontroller, because of its high performance and low cost, small size, reliability is high , function is strong and easy, is widely used which has brought great convenience and economic benefits for us.Modern automation and control system and the computer control technology, electrical technology and information technology is closely together, form a highly intelligent which has generally get large-scale development and application .The intelligent material handling control system which is based on microcontroller is one of the typical development and application cases.The design uses STC89C52RC microprocessor controlled intelligent material handling systems.The system makes up of the main part in the microcontroller control module, a power supply circuit module, motor drive modules,sensor module and other components.By Single Chip Microcomputer we can get control of intelligent material handling control system ,and thee automation and control tasks is completed.
    [Keywords]:Intelligent control、Intellectualization 、Microcontroller
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    第一章 绪论    3
    1.1课题的发展前景与研究的目的及意义    3
    1.2设计任务及要求    3
    1.3 本次设计主要方法    4
    1. 4基于单片机的智能控制    4
    1.4.1什么是单片机    4
    1.4.2基于单片机的智能小车    5
    第二章 智能运输控制系统总体结构设计及其工作原理    6
    2.1智能运输系统的基本功能要求    6
    2.2智能运输系统的总体结构设计    6
    2.3智能运输系统的工作原理    6
    2.4智能运输控制系统所用主要芯片    7
    2.4.1主控模块STC89C52RC单片机     7
    2.4.2 TCRT5000 红外光电传感器    7
    2.4.3电机驱动芯片L293D    7
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