    毕业论文关键词:轮胎压路机  后轮轴  链传动  制动器  可靠性
    Design Back Wheel System of the YL25 Tire Toller
    Abstract Tire roller is still a very important role in compaction machinery that belongs to static effect roller, compaction on the road with a rub, and overcome the uneven compaction of roller rails, easily crushed pavement,surface prone to cracks and other defects,and it was widely used in a variety of roads, dams, airports, ports and runways stadiums and other large projects, it is possible to improve the surface quality of the road, but also to use another road of life is increased. At present, with the fast development of economic construction, road construction also continues to develop, tire roller has become a indispensable part in road engineering construction machinery. This paper focuses on back wheel system of the YL25 tire roller of Xugong group that has been improved and innovative design, analyzed the current situation and development trend of domestic and foreign tire roller,studied the working principle of back wheel system of the YL25 tire roller,designed and chosen the back wheel drive programs and was carried on back wheel tire design, chain sprocket design, brakes design, differential design and back wheel axle design, and carried on calculation and check into the strength of the back wheel axle strength . The related parts drawing and assembly drawing are also drawn with the use of CAD. Finally, completed the design of back wheel system of the YL25 tire roller .
    Key Words:Tire roller  axle of back wheel  chain drive  brakes  reliability
    目  录
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    目录    III
    图清单    V
    表清单    V
    变量注释表    VI
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2 国内外轮胎压路机的产品现状和发展前景    1
    1.3 课题简介    4
    1.4 小结    6
    2 轮胎设计    7
    2.1 基本参数的确定    7
    2.2 轮胎变形特性与平均比压    7
    2.3 小结    10
    3  后轮系统设计    11
    3.1 传动方案设计与选择    12
    3.2 后轮系统工作原理    13
    3.3 链条与链轮设计    15
    3.4 后轮轴设计    14
    3.5 差速器设计    24
    3.6 制动器设计    26
    3.7 小结    31
    4  后轮系统可靠性设计    32
    4.1 后轮可靠性分析的意义    32
    4.2 后轮系统故障树的建立    33
  1. 上一篇:矿用抓岩机液压系统优化及结构优化+CAD图纸
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