    毕业论文关键词:全液压  中心回转式  清仓机
     Design and Simulation of structure of rotary hydraulic machine clearance center
    Coal bunker as an important storage device of coal production and transport,raw coal constantly input and output of bunker.Because coal contains moisture and other impurities, as time goes on, coal bin wall will form a layer of the adhesive.This layer of the adhesive will make the surface of coal silo wall uneven, not only impede the flow of coal in the bunker, but also reduces the available space of bunker,reducing the production efficiency,so bunker should be cleaned regularly.The traditional way to clean up coal bunker is rely on manual cleaning,this approach not only work inefficient,but also has a certain degree of risk,in the increasing high degree of automation of coal production today, which obviously does not meet the production needs of large coal mines.This paper designed and studied a central rotary hydraulic clearing machine,Therefore, this article designed and studied a central rotary hydraulic clearing machine, Aims to achieve intelligent and automated of mine clearance equipment, and promote the further development of the nature of the mine safety building process.
    First, the paper according to the requirements of working conditions, affirmed the full hydraulic clearing machine power source using a hydraulic drive, at the same time, the use of the clean coal is in such a manner that the center of rotation, but also grasp the whole structure design. And core of this article mainly for clearing machine supporting mechanism, slewing mechanism and working mechanism and parts of the design and calculation, modeling of 3D model is used is based on is UG software to draw, at the same time, according to ANSYS software of static hydraulic cleaning the cabin model analysis.
    This paper designs a central rotary cleaning machine hydraulic system. The hydraulic system can be pided into four loops, namely the work loop mechanism, a supporting mechanism circuit, rotating mechanism loop and contorts institutions loop. In this paper, the key components and auxiliary components of the hydraulic system are selected and calculated by the conventional calculation method, and the key components are checked.
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