

    关键词  摆线针轮,结构分析,建模


    Title  The design and analysis of RV reducer            


    The theme of this paper is the design and analysis of reducer. First to understand the history of the development of RV reducer, and domestic and foreign development. Cycloidal pin wheel planetary transmission access relevant information, use have the mechanical design knowledge, understand the transmission characteristics of the cycloid gear reducer, step by step to RV deceleration internal structure parameters were calculated, designed to meet the requirements of the structure of the reducer, and mechanical analysis and calculation of the main components, and reducer return difference calculation, and analysis of various back difference size and reducing effective methods of, using 3D software to design reducer parts model rendering and correct assembly, finally software 2D drawing engineering parts diagram.

    Keywords  pin wheel,structure analysis, modeling

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外发展历史及发展方向 1

    1.3 RV减速器的发展方向 2

    1.4 课题研究内容 3

    2  设计方案 4

    2.1结构分析 4

    2.2传动原理 6

    2.3减速器设计参数的计算 6

    3  减速器受力分析 10

    3.1 摆线针轮与针齿轮啮合力分析 10

    3.2摆线轮整体受力 11

    4 RV减速器回差分析与计算 13

    4.1回差的概述 13

    4.2 第一级渐开线部分主要回差及计算方法 13

    4.3 第二级摆线针轮传动的回差计算方法 14

    4.4 RV减速器回差的计算 18

    5  RV传动效率分析 20

    5.1 减速器的齿轮啮合效率 20

    5.2 RV传动的效率计算 21

    6  RV减速器三维模型建立 23

    6.1 SolidWorks软件简介 23

    6.2 建立三维模型 23

    6.3 零部件的装配 26

    6.4 RV减速器的爆炸图 27

    7  RV减速器重要零件有限元分析 29

    7.1 有限元分析概述 29

    7.2分析流程 29


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