



    The Desin Of Six Wheel-Legged Mobile Robot

    Abstract:With human nature, outer space continue to explore the pace of demand for various application areas of robots in complex environments movable unmanned increasing. From the footsteps of history, the legged robot research is the first to be developed, then wheeled robot. This paper studied the design of six-legged mobile robot is to meet the need to have more complex environment requires legged and wheeled two sports mode. Wheel-legged robot combines the advantages of mobile wheeled robots and legged robot that can transform according to different environments or foot type two wheeled sport, has a strong ability to adapt to the terrain, greater stability and higher energy efficiency and the use of new technology for the mobile robot has important theoretical and practical significance, so much national attention of researchers.

    This article is designed to move the six-legged robot with a flexible wheel leg switching mechanism, implement motion decoupling between the calf and thigh, when walking on the complex road wheels have a greater ability to adapt, with redundancy limb, several limbs can be lost continue to work under certain circumstances. Suitable for performing field exploration, underwater and in space exploration and other independent investigators, reliability, demanding task.

    Key words:  Wheel-legged robot; structural design; adaptability  


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1国外研究综述 1

    1.2国内研究综述 4

    第二章 六轮足式移动机器人的结构设计 6

    2.1电机的选择 6

        2.2减速器的选择: 6

        2.3齿轮的设计和校核 7

        2.4轴的计算和校核 11

    2.4.1 轴上功率、转速和转矩的计算 11

            2.4.2 初步计算传动轴的轴径12

            2.4.3 轴的结构设计12

            2.4.4 按弯扭合成强度条件计算校核传动轴13

            2.4.5 轴的刚度校核计算16


            2.5.1 带轮与输入轴间键的选择及校核17

            2.5.2 输出轴与齿轮间键的选择及校核18

            2.5.3 输出轴与联轴器间键的选择及校核18

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