



    Abstract Gear is the most important component of the power transmission system, and the meshing transmission error of gear is the main reason of the noise and vibration of the gear transmission system. In view of the influence of incentive effect and dynamic characteristics of the time-varying meshing stiffness of gear on gear transmission system, this paper thought the situation of the time-varying meshing stiffness of gear.

    To determine the meshing stiffness, we need to find out the elastic deformation of gear. For spur gear teeth, they are generally disposed of plane problem. The corresponding load elastic deformation calculation method has the method of material mechanics, the mathematical method of elastic mechanics and finite element method. In the paper, we create a meshing elastic contact finite element model and calculate time-varying meshing stiffness of a gear pair using finite element method for elastic contact analysis. They provide data sources for time-varying meshing stiffness in gear nonlinear dynamics model. Furthermore, we made the calculation program using the finite element software ANSYS APDL language.

    Keywords: Spur gear;Meshing stiffness;Ansys;APDL

     目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 本文的研究内容 4

    第二章 接触问题的分析 5

    2.1 概述 5

    2.2 接触分析 5

    2.3 接触分析的有限元法 5

    2.4 ANSYS的接触能力 6

    第三章 APDL参数化语言 8

    3.1  APDL参数化语言概论 8

    3.2  APDL宏及其功能 8

    3.3  基于APDL的优化设计概念 10

    第四章 用Weber能量法计算直齿轮轮齿变形 11

    4.1 轮齿的几何模型 11

    4.1.1 齿根圆圆弧段的参数方程 11

    4.1.2 齿顶圆圆弧段的参数方程 12

    4.1.3 渐开线齿廓的参数方程 12

    4.1.4 过渡曲线的参数方程 12

    4.2 轮齿变形计算 13

    4.2.1 轮齿的弯曲变形和剪切变形 14

    4.2.2 齿根弹性引起的附加变形 15

    4.2.3 啮合点的接触变形 15

    4.3 数值计算结果及分析

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