

    毕业论文关键词:手术显微镜 机架 平衡 锁紧装置


     The operation microscope is now taking an important part in medical field in recent years,including the ophthalmology,Brain surgical department ,Hand surgical department ,Neurosurgery ,Orthopaedics ,Department of otorhinolaryngology ,Dental clinic ,The plastic surgical department and so on.The operation microscope chiefly consists of machinery and optic parts .This original chiefly describes the design of the machinery section ,that is  the design of the frame of the operation microscope .We know that the machine design is the first step of  production machinery, design quality, directly affects the mechanical product technology level and economic benefits. To create mechanical mechanism, must rely on the image thinking ability, give full play to the designer's imagination, to open the train of thought of innovation. Along with the continuous deepening of the work from design, several kinds of schemes comparison, to gradually achieve the survival of the fittest. Finally, the selected scheme, there may be a variety of programmes in essence part together, may also be not adopted a design scheme. No matter what imagine several feasibility, must take a correct design thinking, at the same time from the previous experience and the accumulation of knowledge, the selected reasonable setting scheme of specific detailed design process.The entire design process includes:Design of the entire frame ,Design of locking unit and base.

    Keyword :Operation microscope  Frame  Balance Locking device 


    第一章 绪论 1

    第二章 手术显微镜设计的总体方案的确定 4

    2.1机械设计的基本思路 4

    2.2设计方案的确定 4

    第三章 机架、回转臂的锁紧机构、支架 6

    3.1机架设计的一般要求 6

    3.1.1机架的材料及热处理方法 7

    3.1.2机架结构的设计 7

    3.2回转臂设计 8

    3.2.1回转臂锁紧机构的设计 8

    3.2.2回转臂整个外形的设计 11

    3.3支架的设计 12

    3.3.1回转轴臂的初步估算 12

    3.3.2手术仪器支架的设计 12

    第四章 轴的设计

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