




    Marine marine propeller is important component parts, high grinding precision of its mechanical performance guarantee. Because of its complex structure, the current domestic propeller grinding using artificial grinding and abrasive belt grinding method. Although artificial grinding can achieve complex surface grinding and polishing, but by the subjective influence, curved surface quality by the operator's proficiency decisions, and thus cannot be done on the dimensional precision of control, surface quality difficult to guarantee; abrasive belt grinding processing depth is low, the processing efficiency is not high, and long processing cycle; the high precision large 3D NC machine tool grinding, high processing precision, but due to the technically demanding, complex machine tool manufacturing, high cost, so the processing cost is high.

    The propeller grinding machine of domestic and international status and key technology on the basis, this paper firstly propeller processing technology are analyzed, and the processing cost, find out the existing advantages and disadvantages. Independent design for large marine propeller grinding machine tools, and carries on the feasibility analysis and assessment, application of knowledge and the literature datum, eventually adopts the mechanical hand for large ship propeller by high speed grinding solution, components and the design of its main parameters. Solve large-scale3D NC machining of high cost, low precision of artificial grinding, uncontrollable and abrasive belt grinding processing cycle is long wait for a problem, the results show that the processing scheme of high feasibility, good reliability, low cost, high processing precision. Finally, through the SolidWorks3D modeling software, the design scheme of machine tool for three-dimensional modeling, and details about the part and the transmission part is thinned. 

    Keywords: Marinepropeller;wheel grinding;Manipulator

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1课题的研究背景与意义 1

    1.1.1研究背景 1

    1.1.2 课题目的与研究意义 1

    1.2 工业机械手概述 2

    1.3工业机械手国内外发展趋势 3


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